Tzolkin Trecena Notes – 1 Imix (Crocodile/Waterlily) Day 1 of the 260 Day Tzolkin Gregorian Date: May 27, 2010 Year Bearer: 11 Manik Trecenas are thirteen-day periods in the Tzolkin. Each Trecena starts with the Number 1, but with a different Day Glyph. As a wave of the Thirteen Heavens, the underlying energy is governed by the First Day Glyph of the Trecena and influences all thirteen successive Day Glyphs. Being aware of the predominant energy of the First Day of the Trecena, we can align our intentions with that energy and allow our goals to manifest. This Trecena starts with 1 Imix (Crocodile/Alligator/Waterlily) – Beginning - Initiating new possibilities and concepts – Receptivity and Trust, Earth Mother, Nourishment, Protection, Primordial Ocean of Possibilities. The Classic Maya believed that an earth monster or primordial Crocodile floated in the ocean of the Underworld. He carried the Earth on his back, nourishing and protecting all life. Thus, Crocodile supplies humanity with the underlying primal feeling of our connection to nature and Mother Earth. The glyph itself represents a Waterlily, a symbol of beauty, abundance and growth, and the possibility of ascension out of the primordial soup of creation. Out of the void, a spark of fire falls into the primordial ocean of possibilities and creation spirals into life.  © 2006 Judith Ann Griffith | With 1 Imix we are starting a new Tzolkin round of 260 days which ends on 13 Ahau. 1 Imix is a logical place to begin counting the days. The number 1 and Imix both symbolize beginning. According to Kenneth Johnson in Jaguar Wisdom, “this is an arbitrary point of origin. The rhythm of the Sacred Calendar is circular; many contemporary Calendar shamans insist that it has neither beginning nor end. Nevertheless, we will follow tradition and use 1 Crocodile as a convenient ‘beginning’.” Another representation of the Trecena is that of a creative wave beginning at 1 and ending at 13, with the numbers 6, 7 and 8 representing the crest of the wave. The crest could be interpreted as a strong influential energy, although the underlying influence on the Trecena would still rest in the beginning. In this Trecena, the crest falls on 6 Cimi (Transformation/Death), 7 Manik (Deer/Healing Hand) and 8 Lamat (Rabbit/Venus). It is interesting that transformation, change and new beginnings, falls on the crest of the wave in the trecena Crocodile which is the beginning of the Tzolkin. Deer symbolizes groundedness of the four-legged animals and the healing hand. Rabbit energy symbolizes abundance and the pure joy of being alive. The energies of this Crest propel us to change in order to heal and live in abundance. As we journey through each day of this Trecena, 1 Imix (Crocodile) – May 27, 2010 2 Ik (Wind) – May 28 3 Akbal (Night) – May 29 4 Kan (Lizard) – May 30 5 Chicchan (Serpent) – May 31 6 Cimi (Death) – June 1 7 Manik (Deer) – June 2 8 Lamat (Rabbit) – June 3 9 Muluc (Water) – June 4 10 Oc (Dog) – June 5 11 Chuen (Monkey) – June 6 12 Eb (Road) – June 7 13 Ben (Reed) – June 8 Focus on the energies of Crocodile in order to open our hearts and live from our hearts. Crocodile offers emotional, physical and spiritual security during the vibrational changes occurring now with planet Earth and concurrently within ourselves. ***For a list of all 20 Mayan Sun Signs - click here *** In Lak’ech, William and Viola ©2010 William and Viola Welsch |
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