Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ecotopia 2010

Invitation to Ecotopia 2010 (1-21 August)
Ecotopia 2010 – colorful self-organized
Intercultural gathering for sustainable living
International ecological camp „ECOTOPIA“
from the 1st to the 21st of August 2010 as guest in Wiesenburg
in the ‚Hohen Flaming’ 90 km from Berlin

The name „Ecotopia“ is composed from the english words for *ecology and utopia*.
It stands for an „intercultural gathering for sustainable living“, that has
taken place since 20 years in changing european countries. For example in
Turkey in 2008 and 2007 in Portugal. Very typically this gathering draws
young environmental activists from east and west. This year for the first
time it is open for all generations.
Ecotopia keeps on being a functional model of a self sustaining community,
in which the principles of an ecologically sound lifestyle *are* being
practiced for three weeks. (waste avoidance and -recycling,
vegetarian/veganfoo d, use of alternative
energies ... )
People from different countries and cultures with a concern to questions of
environmental or social justice meet at Ecotopia. One gets to know each
other and develops friendships while working, learning, talking, playing and
during the celebrations. Ecotopia is a place for exchange of experiences and
spreading of information. About 1000 people are expected during the three
Everything that in the broadest sense has to do with ecology will be dealt
with in workshops, seminars, speeches, movies, art, theatre und musical
We are foreseing workshops building compost toilets and and solar showers,
preparing the use of the internet and websites, drumming-, singing- and
theatre workshops as well as 1-2 movie nights with movies on ecological
topics from all of Europe, with lectures and rounds of talks on climate
change, traffic, food, ecological building and economy, exchange of
experiences with campaigns, alternatives medias, racism and
xenophobia, investigation of the specific ecological features of the region……
The Eco, a private currency, which has a calculation rate depending on a
persons income, will allow people and families with low salaries to
also participate.
There is not a fixed daily structure on the camp. With their registration
the participants can announce any offers ahead of time. The actual program
will develop at the camp through and by the interests and initiatives of all
the people envolved. Everyone partakes on all the jobs needing to be done.
A central kitchen cooks for the whole camp. Contracts with biological
farmers of the region to provide the camp with food were being made,
spending over a 20.000 Euros.
Since the towncouncil of Wiesenburg decided in the summer of 2009, that
Ecotopia could be held in Wiesenburg close to the trainstation, the
preparations on local and international levels are boosting.
On an international level it is possible to draw from already existing
experiences and contacts. A big part of the public relation task is done by
way of the internet. An advertising postcard has been distributed at the
climate conference in Copenhagen. Many of the organisations and initiatives
from Europe took cards along to spread them back home in their countries.
A growing number of people out of the region are joining the group
responsible for the camp. It is also the group and the place to work on
organisational structures of public relations and with the actual
preparations for the camp.
In the long term the perspective is to install a lasting ecological camping
site on the camp ground. The use of this place makes also sense thinking of
the german ‘Wandertag’ (hiking day) which will take place in 2012 in the
region of our ‘Hoher Flaming’.
For further information see: http://www.ecotopia 2010.org/
Dorothee Bornath, Tel. 033849/90523, mail@bornath. de
Wam Kat 033841/32000, mir@wamkat.de

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