Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mayan Majix Announcement - 13 Ahau

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May 26, 2010

Dear Mayan Majix Friends,

Today is 13 - Sun (Ahau)

13 Ahau



Many have written and hypothesized about this but no definitive answer has appeared. Perhaps Tony Shearer in Beneath the Moon and Under the Sun says it best:
“A story was told to the Spaniards shortly after the conquest in
Oaxaca ….

‘On the day we call Tecpotl (Etznab/Flint) a great light came from the Northeastern sky. It glowed for 4 days in the sky, then lowered itself to that rock (the rock can still be seen at Tenochtitlan de Valle in Oaxaca ). From the light there came a great, a very powerful being who stood on the very top of the rock and glowed like the sun in the sky.

There he stood for all to see, shining day and night. Then he spoke, his voice was like thunder, booming across the valley.

Our old men and women, the astronomers and astrologists, could understand them and he could understand them.

He (the Solar Beam) told us how to pray and fixed for us days of fast and days of feasting. He then balanced the “Book of days” (Sacred Calendar) and left, vowing that he would always watch down on us, his beloved people.’”

The Sacred Calendar, the Tzolkin, was created by combining the 20 sacred glyphs with
13 magic numbers. 13 x 20 = 260.

According to the Mesoamericans of Mexico and Central America , their total concept of life revolved around the Sacred Calendar and life was viewed as a great ceremony.
This ceremony continues today as we follow the Sacred Calendar and dance to the
rhythm of the cycles of the most Sacred Drum.


The Tzolkin Count of days measures sacred time. It is not based on the measure of the movement of the Earth around the Sun but rather the unique Sacred Energy created by each combination of 20 Day Glyphs and 13 Magic Numbers. These rounds or cycles of 260 days (kin) are endlessly repeating likened to the heartbeat of the Universe. As Dr. Carl Calleman so succinctly states in The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness: “The tzolkin is really a filtration pattern of divine light. This pattern exists in a realm beyond time, in the mind of God, as it were. The tzolkin by itself is thus a pattern for the unfolding of creative energy rather than a calendar.”

According to the Ancient Greeks, there are two types of time: Chronos and Kairos. Chronos is chronological or sequential time, a quantitative measurement. A good example is the Gregorian Calendar. Kairos is a qualitative measurement - the time in between or the time as the actual moment or the NOW. Kairos is the time when you honor the sacredness of the moment.

Staying in Kairos time and being aware of the day’s (Tzolkin) energy opens your reality
to synchronicities, miracles and magic.


Today is 13 Ahau, the 260th day of this Tzolkin. Tomorrow, 1 Imix begins a new Tzolkin round. The energies surrounding 13 are holy – co-creation, unconditional love, and the culmination of spiritual enlightenment. Likewise are the energies surrounding Ahau – sun, flower, light lord, enlightenment, ascension, ancestor, unconditional love and awareness of co-creation. 13 Ahau feels like completion coupled with the feeling of powerful light energy moving creation forward.


On May 27, 2010 , 1 Imix, there will be only two more Tzolkin rounds
(260 days each = 520 days) before the evolutionary shift of
October 28, 2011 .

Tzolkin Start Date: 1 Imix (Gregorian May 27, 2010 )
Conscious Convergence: 13 Eb and 1 Ben ( July 17-18, 2010 )

Seventh Day of the Galactic Underworld Begins 4 Ahau ( November 2, 2010 )

Ends: 13 Ahau (Gregorian February 10, 2011 )

Tzolkin Start Date: 1 Imix (Gregorian February 11, 2011 )

Ends: 13 Ahau (Gregorian October 28, 2011 )

October 28, 2011 marks the completion date of the Nine Levels of Evolutionary Consciousness according to Dr. Calleman (www.calleman.com).

Humanity present now has chosen to be witnesses and participants in this Universal Shift
of Evolution. The promotion of fear and anxiety surrounding 2012 is the complete opposite of the emotions that we will be feeling. The evolutionary wave of completion will allow humanity to enter a Golden Age of unity, love and peace. We feel that the Sacred Calendar, Tzolkin Count of Days, will continue as a galactic constant and will
serve as a base for grounding as we explore our new awareness.

Welcome to the Evolution.

In Lak’ech,

Viola and William

13 Ahau ( May 26, 2010 )


The Shift of the Ages


Concious Convergence July 17th and 18th - to volunteer contact Jo-beth: jo-beth.kiefer@commonpassion.org
to donate http://www.commonpassion.org/please_donate - read more details about the CC click here

Mayan Trips / Sacred Journeys - we are in touch with a number organizations who offer spiritual trips to the Mayalands. Here is an updated list of the current trips available for 2010 - click here

Mayan Calendar Course - Understanding the Mayan Calendar
- taught by Carl Johan Calleman at International Metaphysical University. For more details go to www.intermetu.com or call 304-295-4411.

Daily Tzolkin in 10 languages:
English, French, Spanish, German, Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, Dutch, Italian, Arabic
or EMBED the Daily Tzolkin on your web site.

Wholesale - Mayan Calendar / Conversion Codices, DVD's, Mayan Jewelry are available at wholesale pricing.

If this announcement has been forwarded to you and you would like to sign up for our announcements the e-list sign up
box is located on our INFO CENTER page. Or you can e-mail me at admin@mayanmajix.com and I can sign you up.

Thanks so much for your support!

Mayan Majix

Twitter: @ Mayan_Majix

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