Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Shift of the Ages

Dear Friends,

Thank you for sharing the Authentic Mayan Message with the world!

Many of you have asked for code and links to allow you make it easier to share the message and to paste banners, advertisements and Shift of the Ages photos on email, newsletters and social networking sites.

We invite you to visit our new SOTA Resources page!

You can easily find these downloads and codes in the 'Community' section of our website, under 'SOTA Resources'.
We will continue to populate this page with more images and tools to make it easy for you to share the SHIFT with others.

We hope you enjoy these 'easy-to-grab' tools we have created for you. Print them, post them, have a blast!

Shift of the Ages banner

If you have any questions, please contact us! If you have the time and talent and would like to contribute by creating posters, images and code, please contact april@shiftoftheages.com.

Also, if you missed our most recent Shift of the Ages Newsletter, you can view it here.

Thank you for all you do to support the Shift of the Ages, your work makes a WORLD of difference!


Your Shift of the Ages Team



Shift of the Ages | P-Qubd LLC

30159 Rim Rock Place
Canyon Lake, CA

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