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 May 20, 2010 Dear Mayan Majix Friends, Today is 7 - Jaguar (IX) - Read about Today on the Mayan Tzolkin 13 day period (Trecena) = Star (Lamat) 1) The Conscious Convergence - July 16 -17th, 2010 a) Volunteers Needed - If you want to volunteer to do work for the Conscious Convergence please contact Jo-Beth Kiefer at Please let her know if you have some special talent you would like to make use of or if there is something special you would like to do. If you are willing to donate your time in general for what is needed to promote this event please let us know that.
b) Donate to support the Conscious Convergence - your financial support of the Conscious Convergence is tax deductable under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Anything you can contribute is greatly appreciated. No donation is too small and for those who have the means we are offering incentive gifts for contributions of $25, $50, $100. Your financial support allows us to implement these exciting technologies: - Social Networking
- Event/Team Building with Groups for Global Consciousness Programs
- Comprehensive Calendar and Event Registration Systems
- Discussion Forum
- Global Coherence Feedback System
- RSS News Feeds
- Connection with other consciousness-raising organizations
- A web framework that supports scalable development of new state-of-the-art technologies that promote harmony at all levels of human existence
To Donate click this link:
| 2) Mayan Calendar Portal Survey The Mayan Calendar Portal is running a special survey to help improve and enhance the MCP web site and the service it provides to the international Mayan Calendar community. Please take a few moments to complete the short survey, your input is greatly appreciated and valued, and will help improve the information available to everyone about the Mayan Calendar. The survey is online at: Many thanks from the MCP! View recent El Quetzal newsletter 3) Matty's Journal - updated on 5/19/10 - click here 4) New Mayan Calendar Film - "The Alignment Within" by Jose Alberto Jaramillo click here view the film trailer 5) Mayan Calendar Events - there are a lot of events coming up - my suggestion is to view the INFO CENTER section of Mayan Majix for events in your area. 6) The Shift of the Ages - New Video Message - click here Wandering Wolf shares some of his personal journey before offering a powerful message to the World. In this SOTA Collaborative video, musician Ralph Zurmuhle adds a variation of the composition "Our Mother" from his CD "Our Mother." For more info about Ralph's music check him out at: A Special Thanks to our Newsletter Sponsor - The Shift of the Ages | 7) Mayan Tzolkin now in Arabic - special thanks to Mayan Majix volunteer Hala in Lebanon for translating the Mayan calendar for us. Please tell your Arabic speaking friends to check it out Arabic Daily Tzolkin. REMINDERS: Mayan Trips / Sacred Journeys - we are in touch with a number organizations who offer spiritual trips to the Mayalands. Here is an updated list of the current trips available for 2010 - click here Mayan Calendar Course - Understanding the Mayan Calendar - taught by Carl Johan Calleman at International Metaphysical University. For more details go to or call 304-295-4411.
Daily Tzolkin in 10 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, Dutch, Italian, Arabic or EMBED the Daily Tzolkin on your web site. Wholesale - Mayan Calendar / Conversion Codices, DVD's, Mayan Jewelry are available at wholesale pricing. If this announcement has been forwarded to you and you would like to sign up for our announcements the e-list sign up box is located on our INFO CENTER page. Or you can e-mail me at and I can sign you up. Thanks so much for your support! MIKE webmaster Mayan Majix
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