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 April 29, 2010 Dear Mayan Majix Friends, Today is 12 - Reed (Ben) - Read about Today on the Mayan Tzolkin 13 day period (Trecena) = Wind (IK) 1) The Conscious Convergence: a) Free Teleconference Saturday May 1st - please join us to HeartMindstorm ways in which we can set the intention for and realize the expression of unity consciousness, personally and collectively, during the Conscious Convergence program between now and this July 17 and 18. The Tele-Webcast is free but long distance charges may apply. However, at no charge you may access the program via the internet at web link below, either live or after the call.
DATE: Saturday May 1st, 2010
TIME: 10 AM Pacific (San Francisco, CA), 1 PM Eastern, 5 PM GMT
DURATION: 90 minutes
NUMBER TO CALL: 724-444-7444
CALL ID: 36237 #, then 1# GLOBAL WEB ACCESS and "PAST EPISODES" LINK: Listen and chat from anywhere in the world or LISTEN TO THE RECORDING HERE ANYTIME AFTER THE CALL:
b) Dr. Calleman's recent article - "My Vision for the Conscious Convergence, July 17-18, 2010" - click here
to read more details - click here
d) Fundraising - There has been a lot of momentum behind the scenes in organizing the Conscious Convergence. Soon we will be sending out a fundraising e-mail requesting volunteers to contribute their unique talents and also asking for financial support. Donations will be tax deduct able thru a 501-C3 account. From what I have heard there is a Conscious Convergence web site in the works with really impressive technology to connect people globally. It is very clear to me that the Conscious Convergence has great potential in bringing in Unity consciousness! Please do what you can to assist us.
2) Joseph R. Giove, Social Entrepreneur, Offers a New View of the Mayan Calendar End Read this recent Press Release 3) Adam Yellowbird - video message about the sweat lodge controversy in Arizona - click here 4) Article on Me - Mike Shore - in March The Shift of the Ages Newsletter did an article on me. It was a good opportunity for me to open up and tell about myself and how I got involved with Mayan Majix. If you haven't seen it here is the link to view the article. 5) Mayan Astrology Reports - $10 Special - please consider a report for yourself or friend / family members. The sale of the reports really help keep Mayan Majix going. click here A Special Thanks to our Newsletter Sponsor - The Shift of the Ages | REMINDERS: Mayan Trips / Sacred Journeys - we are in touch with a number organizations who offer spiritual trips to the Mayalands. Here is an updated list of the current trips available for 2010 - click here Mayan Calendar Course - Understanding the Mayan Calendar - taught by Carl Johan Calleman at International Metaphysical University. For more details go to or call 304-295-4411.
Daily Tzolkin in multiple languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, Dutch, Italian or EMBED the Daily Tzolkin into your web site. Wholesale - Mayan Calendar / Conversion Codices, DVD's, Mayan Jewelry are available at wholesale pricing. If this announcement has been forwarded to you and you would like to sign up for our announcements the e-list sign up box is located on our INFO CENTER page. Or you can e-mail me at and I can sign you up. Thanks so much for your support! MIKE webmaster Mayan Majix |
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