Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dear friends,

We are so excited for you to utilize our new SOTA Collaborative 'VOLUNTEER' option on your SHIFT CENTRAL profile!

The Shift of the Ages project is all about “unigizing”—energetically uniting people for a positive purpose. Time and talent are forms of energetic exchange that will greatly enhance the project. If you would like to Collaborate in the SHIFT by volunteering your time and talent, please let us know through your SOTA user profile!

If you haven't already, we invite you to create a profile on SHIFT CENTRAL! Here, you can 'EDIT' your profile and you will see a button that reads 'VOLUNTEER' at the top of your profile page. By clicking on this button, you will be directed to a form that gi ves you options to offer your time and talent to benefit the SHIFT. These options represent some of the areas that would make a real difference:

* Graphic Design: Logos, posters, banners, comic strips - let your creativity flow!
* School Collaboration: Youth contribution-what does the SHIFT mean to kids?
* Acting/Video Creation: Create a short film about what 2012 means to you.
* SOTA Translation Project: Help the whole world to hear the Authentic Mayan Message in their own language.
* Web Development: Help the SHIFT by donating your time and talent to the SOTA website.
* Content Management: Master of grammatical arts? Have an eye for the big picture and a professional pen?
* Festival Collaboration: Have some great ideas about venues that would be perfect for sharing the Sh ift of the Ages? Talk to us about how to share the SHIFT.
* Musical Interpretation: Add your own music to Wandering Wolf’s video messages.

Thank you for all you do to support the Shift of the Ages, your work makes a WORLD of difference!


Your Shift of the Ages Team

Shift of the Ages | P-Qubd LLC

30159 Rim Rock Place
Canyon Lake, CA

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