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Trecena of 1 Ik
![]() ![]() NEW! Featured Links | The Trecena of Communication The eighteenth Trecena is governed by Ik’, the Wind. The Wind is the breath of spirit, of communication, of connection… indeed, of Life itself, for Life is the greatest communicator there is. To communicate is, in its most simple essence, to be connected. To be connected, in turn, does not necessarily mean spending your life on social networks or talking on the phone… it means to be actively present, in your mind body and soul, and to be aware of others, other living beings, the natural environment, your family and community, and of yourself. Communication may be verbal, visual, auditory, kinetic, sensual, emotional, psychic or spiritual. And so regardless of whether you think you are a good communicator or not, if you quiet those external communication tools that society and the marketing machines of our economy bombard us with on a daily basis, and tune into those finer, subtler frequencies, you may find yourself communicating on a much higher and deeper level. Ironically, Wind is as fickle as it is strong… it can change direction on a moment’s notice, but if you are aware and tuned in, you will notice those signs and hints of change that can be short-lived, ephemeral in fact, but tell of major shifts to come. This Trecena is not the time for control or rules. It is a time of fluidity, experimentation, and open-mindedness. Indeed, if you are one with the Wind, you will experience a different kind of freedom! Join us on the daily journeys of each Trecena, online at Facebook and Twitter. One word: Eyjafjallajokull By now, most of us have heard the news about a previously little-talked-about volcano in Iceland called Eyjafjallajokull, a word that is nearly impossible to pronounce but one that is at the center of a major disruption of air traffic and all of its related consequences throughout the European region. When we asked how are people doing in those areas affected by the ash cloud that’s slowly wafting across Europe, the responses were almost equally split between an introspective look at how we relate to mother Earth and what the eruption means in terms of our evolution as a species. Some interpret this event as a sign of things to come in 2012, while others welcome the longed-for reprieve from air travel noise and pollution across their skies. One of our friends, Barbara Swoboda who runs the Mayan Calendar web site Indalosia in Germany, writes, Dear friends around the world, As yesterday the volcano in Iceland broke out for a second time, the cloud of it has reached Germany and my little village as well. It feels a little spooky, because it gives me the thought of what the Mayan Prophecies are telling us - 72 hours without sun. I think, it is like a ding-dong of the PreWave ahead … of the Conscious Convergence on 17-18 July 2010. For tomorrow (13 Imix), the weatherman is announcing sunny weather, time for grilling and cultural events and a really happy day. Tina Turner will give a Live Concert on rememberance of the CultTimes in music. So... we are celebrating the good-bye from past times... while moving into the celebration of a new level of Evolution into the 9th wave. And so, as we enter Earth Week here in the US, with Earth Day on April 22 (5 Cimi), perhaps we can all think about our relationship to the planet and its natural ecosystems that support not just ours, but ALL life this side of the galaxy.
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Trecena of 1 Muluc
![]() ![]() Read the MCP blogs ![]() Featured Videos | The Trecena of Power Muluc, the Water sign, rules the seventeenth trecena of the Tzolk’in. A potent and rather emotionally charged sign, Muluc packs a powerful swell of energies that can sway in any direction if it’s left alone. Like the Sun, the Ocean, or the Wind, Muluc propels great amounts of energy and force—in this regard, it is a vital source sign. If you are a Muluc by birth or nature, this Trecena will bring out your natural essence and resonate with your powerful currents of emotion and intelligence. You may have noticed throughout your life that your intensity, flexibility and the ability to adapt to almost any situation, or change at a moment’s notice, causes mistrust or misunderstanding in others who are not quite so adaptable or emotionally charged. If this is so, you might use the energy of this Trecena to carve out channels of communication that will more easily and readily reach your loved ones, friends and colleagues. The power of water is unlike that of any other… so use it well. Respect and honor it, and harness it with the purest of intentions. It will return the favor a thousandfold. Join us on the daily journeys of each Trecena, online at Facebook and Twitter. Conscious Convergence July 17–18, 2010 As one of the co-organizers of Conscious Convergence 2010, taking place this July, the Mayan Calendar Portal is working with Carl Calleman, CommonPassion.org, Mayan Majix, the International Metaphysical University and other organizations and individuals in a global effort to bring people together all over the world to set the intention for, and to demonstrate the fulfillment of, Unity Consciousness. This enormous global collaboration prepares us for the Ninth Wave of evolution of consciousness as encoded in the Sacred Mayan Calendar. Mayan elders are inviting us to align with the divine plan for humanity’s greater fulfillment. Local and global intention-setting activities, meditations and prayers will be synchronized throughout the months leading up to and following the main program on July 17th and 18th, 2010, so stay tuned here on El Quetzal, our Facebook page, or the Conscious Convergence forum for more details! We also wish to share Carl Calleman's latest MCP blog post, in which he shares his personal vision for this global event—so please do check it out, let us know what you think and be sure to post your comments, questions and thoughts on how we can all make the Convergence a reality of lasting impact rather than an event of a few days. Kenneth Johnson's Mayan Calendar Story Our next "Mayan Calendar Story" comes from author and Mayan scholar Kenneth Johnson, who spent winter 2009/2010 traveling the Maya lands of Guatemala and Mexico. In this story, posted on our site as a blog, Ken recounts what it's like not just to follow the changing signs of the Tzolk'in, but quite literally to live the calendar, from sunrise to sunset, with the Maya themselves. It certainly makes you want to take a month off from your job... Interested in submitting a Mayan Calendar story of your own to El Quetzal? Here are the basic requirements: the limit is 250 words; the stories should be in good English (please check for spelling and grammar) and should have a single, focused point.
Photo by Birgitte Rasine Do you have photos of the Maya lands, or beautiful images or artwork? Your work could be featured here; email us for details. |
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Dear friends,
We are so excited for you to utilize our new SOTA Collaborative 'VOLUNTEER' option on your SHIFT CENTRAL profile!
The Shift of the Ages project is all about “unigizing”—energetically uniting people for a positive purpose. Time and talent are forms of energetic exchange that will greatly enhance the project. If you would like to Collaborate in the SHIFT by volunteering your time and talent, please let us know through your SOTA user profile!
If you haven't already, we invite you to create a profile on SHIFT CENTRAL! Here, you can 'EDIT' your profile and you will see a button that reads 'VOLUNTEER' at the top of your profile page. By clicking on this button, you will be directed to a form that gi ves you options to offer your time and talent to benefit the SHIFT. These options represent some of the areas that would make a real difference:
* Graphic Design: Logos, posters, banners, comic strips - let your creativity flow!
* School Collaboration: Youth contribution-what does the SHIFT mean to kids?
* Acting/Video Creation: Create a short film about what 2012 means to you.
* SOTA Translation Project: Help the whole world to hear the Authentic Mayan Message in their own language.
* Web Development: Help the SHIFT by donating your time and talent to the SOTA website.
* Content Management: Master of grammatical arts? Have an eye for the big picture and a professional pen?
* Festival Collaboration: Have some great ideas about venues that would be perfect for sharing the Sh ift of the Ages? Talk to us about how to share the SHIFT.
* Musical Interpretation: Add your own music to Wandering Wolf’s video messages.
Thank you for all you do to support the Shift of the Ages, your work makes a WORLD of difference!
Your Shift of the Ages Team