To view this announcement on line: click here  March 24, 2010 Dear Mayan Majix Friends, 1) Today is 2 - Earth (Caban) - Read about Today on the Mayan Tzolkin 13 day period (Trecena) = WISDOM (CIB) 2) Matty's Journal was updated. 3) Conscious Convergence - Mission statement and invitation to Co-Create. Positioned as the second Harmonic Convergence, this new program's mission is: To bring people together with the shared intention of cultivating a critical mass of harmonious energy that supports inner and outer reconciliation. We come together in the spirit of unity to heal wounds that separate us, to reconcile conflicts that divide us, to inspire ideas and actions that express our oneness, and to join together in heart and mind to welcome the birth of our new world. Everyone is invited to participate in the co-creation of the Shared Intention Agreement that will be the core cohering agent bringing people together at these most auspicious times. You can view the growing conversation and share your thoughtful input at the discussion forum. By mid April we will collect everyone's comments and use that body of collective creativity to formulate the Shared Intention Agreement that will activate this next evolutionary wave on July 17/18, 2010: Yes…let's make this happen now. YOU are needed! Thank you. 4) To Listen to last Saturday's Conscious Convergence Global Tele-Conference with Dr. Calleman and Joseph Giove of - click here 5) New Article by Dr. Calleman - A Dualist Convergence 11.000 years ago? 6) El Quetzal Issue 12: 1 Cib - click here 7) Five New Sterling Silver Mayan Jewelry Pieces - 25% off - 3 GB bracelets, 1 GB ring, and a GB belt buckle. A Special Thanks to our Newsletter Sponsor - The Shift of the Ages | REMINDERS: Mayan Trips / Sacred Journeys - we are in touch with a number organizations who offer spiritual trips to the Mayalands. Here is an updated list of the current trips available for 2010 - click here Mayan Calendar Course - Understanding the Mayan Calendar - taught by Carl Johan Calleman at International Metaphysical University. For more details go to or call 304-295-4411.
The Shift Newsletter - March Issue - click here
Daily Tzolkin in multiple languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, Dutch, Italian or EMBED the Daily Tzolkin into your web site. Wholesale - Mayan Calendar / Conversion Codices, DVD's, Mayan Jewelry are available at wholesale pricing. If this announcement has been forwarded to you and you would like to sign up for our announcements the e-list sign up box is located on our INFO CENTER page. Or you can e-mail me at and I can sign you up. Thanks so much for your support! MIKE webmaster Mayan Majix |
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