Friday, March 26, 2010
Institute for Cultural Awareness Newsletter
Mayan Majix Announcement - Mar 24 2010

El Quetzal Issue 12: 1 Cib
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Trecena of 1 Cib
| The Trecena of Wisdom The sixteenth trecena of the Tzolk’in is ruled by Cib, the Owl. Cib represents the wisdom and the souls of our ancestors, of the ancients that came before us both in our own bloodline and in the human family now inhabiting the Earth. The energy of Cib embodies our connection to the long history of life through evolution, through the millions of years that have elapsed and blessed our planet with the diversity of life we see today, and the sanctity of consciousness, free will and love. In our fast-paced, stressed society where being busy and having a career is prized above health and above family, where success is defined by material wealth and personal status, there is little room for what truly matters. But we can make that room, re-arrange our schedules, redefine and re-establish our priorities. We have a choice, regardless of what our bosses, our colleagues, our peers—and yes, even our own families—may say. The only thing keeping us from making the choices we want to make, deep down, is fear, uncertainty, and the force of habit. This is why connecting to the paths your ancestors have walked is so important, and so healthy. Cleanse your karma, enjoy the present moment and nurture your desired future. Reconnect and you will understand where you come from. Join us on the daily journeys of each Trecena, online at Facebook and Twitter. New Online Mayan Calendar Class The International Metaphysical University, a nonprofit online university dedicated to the “exploration of consciousness”, has introduced "Understanding the Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness", a new 12-week course with Dr. Carl Calleman, the renowned Mayan Calendar author and scholar. To understand profound questions, such as what the 2012 end date of the current Long Count cycle means, or the inner energies of the Sacred Tzolk’in, one must delve deep into the Mayan Calendar and the vast array of information it has to offer. Now, for the first time ever, students can learn about the Mayan Calendar from Dr. Carl Johan Calleman online. You will be able to interact directly with Dr. Calleman, and with other students of the Calendar without having to travel all across the country to a seminar. This course is particularly relevant for present times considering the announcement of the “Conscious Convergence” which is taking place on July 17 and 18, 2010, and which is sponsored by Dr. Calleman. This is the kind of knowledge that can change both your life and the world! This 3-credit class can be taken on its own or as part of a degree. It is offered in open enrollment so students can sign up today. To learn more about this class or the IMU in general, go to www.intermetu.com. (Announcement courtesy of the IMU. The MCP is not in any way affiliated with the IMU, and does not specifically endorse any of its class offerings.) |
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Article: A Dualist Convergence 11000 years ago?
It is rare that there are archeological discoveries that truly rewrite
history, but I think the 11,000 years old one in Göbekli Tepe does:
It also seems as if this discovery in the nick of time sheds some extra light on the Conscious Convergence that may help to put this coming event in perspective.
Carl Johan
Friday, March 19, 2010
Shift of the Ages Newsletter: Ahau Issue 1
Shift of the Ages Newsletter: Ahau Issue 1
In this Issue
Dear Shift of the Ages Friends,
Thank you for supporting the Shift of the Ages. It is your participation in sharing the Authentic Mayan Message with the world that drives this movement!
The Shift of the Ages is for people, by people; we are always growing and improving. The newsletter is for you! In it, we will provide you with updates on the Intention Crystals, videos, film progress, and talk about the tools and inspiration we are developing to assist you in facilitating the Shift.
We hope you enjoy this 'Ahau Issue 1', the first of many upcoming newsletters issued on the 20-day Mayan Sacred
Calendar cycle. The Mayan calendar symbol called Ahau means “Sun – the light of all life.” The Maya
considered Ahau the most sacred of days and called it the Day of Ancestors.
May the sun light your way, guided be the wisdom of the Ancestors.
~ Your Shift of the Ages Team
New Wandering Wolf Video - Flowers of the Earth
We are pleased to introduce the next Wandering Wolf Message video entitled "FLOWERS OF THE EARTH." Please help spread the messages by using the "SHARE" button on any page of our site or linking to them in your favorite social media portal.
Open the New Wandering Wolf Video - Flowers of the Earth full article in a new window...
Show The World Your Shift
Our Community Social Networking Portal called SHIFT CENTRAL is eagerly awaiting your presence! Please create a profile; share pictures, stories and experiences; create your own blog; network with people in your area; and tell us about your SHIFT.
Open the Show The World Your Shift full article in a new window...
Intention Crystals
Intention Crystals are alive with positive energy and powerful intentions! Fascinating on their own, each type of crystal holds energetic properties which influence the vibrations in their vicinity. Shift of the Ages Intention Crystals are even more amazing, as each round of crystals receives a unique blessing from indigenous Elders, enabling them to vibrate their positive energies and intentions on a higher level.
Language Translations
We will be translating the site into multiple languages, but need your help. Each language will have a translator and a copy editor. If you can volunteer to be on a language team, please reply to april@shiftoftheages.com with your language skills and availability.
Open the Language Translations full article in a new window...
Ambassador Spotlight: Aluna Joy
We would like to introduce you to Planetary Ambassador and Shift of the Ages Affiliate, Aluna Joy.
About Aluna
Aluna has studied Maya and Inca Cosmology and feels at home in Mexico and Peru, having traveled to the sacred sites of the Maya and Inca many times over the past 20 years. She has worked with, and been initiated by, many Mayan Elders over the years, and has also worked with the Incan Spiritual Messenger, Willaru Huayta, for the past 16 years.
Open the Ambassador Spotlight: Aluna Joy full article in a new window...
The Film
Mayan prophecy says: The Center will unite the Eagle of the North with the Condor of the South ... The center is the Maya people of Central America represented by a Quetzal bird. To the North of the Maya lies the North American Eagle, and to the South of the Maya lies the South American Condor. Wandering Wolf has spent the better part of his time as an Elder seeing that the unification of these cultures takes place.
Ambassador Program
If you are not already a Shift of the Ages Ambassador, we invite you to become one. This program allows you to make a valuable contribution that is used solely for the furthering of the movement and completing the film. For an overview of the different Ambassador programs, please visit our Ambassador page.
Affiliate Program
Once you are an Ambassador, we invite you to become a Shift of the Ages Affiliate Affiliate Program. This program enables you to share a link that is your very own to paste in emails, blogs, forums, etc., allowing you to receive credit for every referral you send to the Shift of the Ages website that becomes an Ambassador.
Shift of the Ages | P-Qubd LLC
30159 Rim Rock Place
Canyon Lake, CA
Online Course "Understanding the Mayan Calendar" available
1. Lilou Mace has interviewed me about my views on the Conscious Convergence,
which is available on YouTune at:
As usual with material posted on the web please feel free to create
non-English versions with subtitles.
2. An online course "Understanding the Mayan Calendar" delivered
over a period of 12 weeks is now available from the International Metaphysical University with me as a teacher:
It can be started at any point in time and can be taken separately or as part of the overall educational programs of the IMU.
Carl Johan
CommonPassion Global Equinox Meditation and Conscious Convergence
A quick update and invitation to join our free Equinox Community call and Global Meditation this Saturday, March 20 at 9 AM Eastern, 1 PM GMT.
1. Common Passion Equinox Community Call and Global Meditation. Saturday March 20 at 6:00 AM Pacific, 9:00 AM Eastern, 1:00 PM GMT. Call in details below my signature.
Please join us as we share what's going on in the world and discuss the "Conscious Convergence" program. Dr Carl Calleman may join us. Joseph Giove will lead a guided Equinox Meditation as we welcome the spring and autumn, depending on where you are.
2. The "Conscious Convergence - A Wave of Unity" is now initiated! This program might also be considered the Second Harmonic Convergence and sets the intention for unity consciousness to manifest in the coming months and years. We will be working toward July 17/18, 2010 as a series of events planned around the world with these dates being the precursor to the unity wave that will spread around and through the earth. You are invited to create your own events that demonstrate unity consciousness, and the Common Passion site is now being updated to allow you to show the world what programs you will be sharing with the world
You can read Dr Carl Calleman's excellent article on the Conscious Convergence on the CommonPassion site, in the upper right, "Quick Links" box.
3. Grandfather Cirilo, "Wandering Wolf," has presented us with another message, which you can watch on the Shift of the Ages site. It's called "Flowers of the Earth" and is quite moving. I strongly encourage you to view this and share it with others via your list or social networks.
You can view it here: Shift of the Ages Film Web Site
4. The World Peace Prayer Society is holding a Spring Equinox Internet Prayer Marathon on Sunday March 21st. Join citizens around the world in Prayers for Peace every 30 minutes. Learn more here: http://www.worldpeace.org/Blast/internetmarathon.html
Enjoy the felling of interconnectedness and unity as we enter consciously into a new age!
All my best,
Joseph R Giove
Executive Director
PS. I will be taking a small group on a "Journey to the Sacred Land of the Maya" in Guatemala with Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, Grand Elder of the living Maya. The journey starts May 7th and goes through May 18th, 2010. There are still a few seats left. To learn more and to receive full details go to:
Please note:
The Tele-Webcast is free but long distance charges may apply. However, at no charge you may access the program via the internet at web link below, either live or after the call.
DATE: Saturday March 20, 2010
TIME: 6 AM Pacific (San Francisco, CA), 9 AM Eastern, 1 PM GMT
DURATION: 60 minutes
NUMBER TO CALL: 724-444-7444
CALL ID: 36237 #, then 1#
Listen and chat from anywhere in the world or LISTEN TO THE RECORDING HERE AFTER THE CALL:
On the Web link above, if you get a "404 Error" just hit refresh or try again and it usually works.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
El Quetzal Issue 11: 1 Akb'al
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Trecena of 1 Akb'al
| The Trecena of Potential The fifteenth trecena of the Sacred Tzolk’in is ruled by Akb’al. This is the realm of Night, of the great deep Void where nothing yet exists and all potential dwells. This is the place where all things begin, where all roads commence, where all thoughts germinate. Honor the sacred seed within your soul, sink into the profound, pregnant silence and release all earthly stresses, pressures and deadlines. For here, time has no sway. Here, all simply is and will be. Here, the core cells of nascent life of everything shimmer, bathed in an inner peace that has neither beginning nor end, holding within the possibility to become anything and to be everything. It is really a matter of choice, of acceptance, and of letting go. Choose which path you will follow, which direction in life to take, which aspects of your soul to let bloom. Accept those choices and the responsibilities that come therewith. Accept them fully and completely. Respect them and respect yourself. Finally, let go of toxic emotions, desires and attitudes that would fracture the path you have chosen to walk upon. Remember that fulfilling your potential is both the toughest and the simplest thing you’ll ever do. Join us on the daily journeys of each Trecena, online at Facebook and Twitter. John Payne's Mayan Calendar Story In the last issue of El Quetzal, we announced a series of personal stories from you, our readers. With this issue, we are delighted to present the first in this series, a short narrative from one of the most active members of our community, John Payne. Enjoy! My Mayan day sign is 4 Cib. 4 is the tone for Stability, the 4 directions of orientation—height, length, depth, and breadth; and Cib is the sun sign for Wisdom, the Owl. I pay specific attention to the direction of depth. Depth is the 4th dimension and level of consciousness of the Mayan Calendar. I consider that to be a highly visionary direction. My life and my thoughts are very visionary in plan and in practice. I try to look forward into the future and bring it back to today and plan my life in balance with what I have seen in the future. I look for the right path to follow to get me there with the guidance of my day sign—stability and the Owl. It has been 2-3 years that I have studied and followed the Mayan Calendar in depth. My understanding of the 4th dimension has allowed me so much more freedom in my thought processes. It has now given me a path in which to follow to find the 5th dimension and level of consciousness—my center point. It is my center point that has eluded me for some many years, and now that I have the Mayan Calendar to guide me I feel I will find this point very soon. I certainly strive to do that daily by practicing being a visionary. My day sign, and each daily energy sign, combine to show me the path. I find that the Mayan Calendar allows me to be very introspective, and understanding not only of myself but those around me, and those around them. My communication levels have increased substantially and substantively, and with great humility, with everyone. —John Payne, Chicago, Illinois, United States Interested in submitting a Mayan Calendar story of your own to El Quetzal? Here are the basic requirements: the limit is 250 words; the stories should be in good English (please check for spelling and grammar) and should have a single, focused point. |
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Important call for the Conscious Convergence, July 17-18, 2010
This is a very important article and a call for your participation in the
Conscious Convergence - a wave of unity, July 17-18, 2010:
The events of these dates is to prepare for the ninth wave of the Mayan calendar. Please post, distribute and translate widely!
Carl Johan
Mayan Majix Announcement - March 8, 2010
To view this announcement on line: click here
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010
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