To view this announcement on line: click here December 9, 2009 Dear Mayan Majix Friends, 1) Today is 1 - Road (EB) - Read about Today on the Mayan Tzolkin 13 day period (Trecena) = Road (EB) 2) Matty's Journal was updated today. Madaline and Gary wanted me to mention that now for limited time all Galactic Transformer Pendant orders are 25% off retail price! Also the Garden GladStones prices have been slashed by a whopping 30% reduction! Just in time for the holiday shopping!
3) The Film 2012 a) Mayan Majix Press Release b) The Mayan Calendar Portal calls on Hollywood to get 2012 right c) Film Commentary by Carl Johan Calleman d) Don Alejandro - 2012 - Apocalypse or New Sun? e) Citizens Review of the 2012 movie - Please make your opinion known to 2012 film makers at SONY by filling out this on-line movie review form which the Mayan Calendar just posted. 4) Mayan Calendar Course - Understanding the Mayan Calendar - taught by Carl Johan Calleman open enrollment begins January 27th 2010 at International Metaphysical University. For more details go to www.intermetu.com or call 304-295-4411. 5) Interviews: a) Carl Johan Calleman - 2012 Misconceptions - Understanding Maya Calendar b) Birgitte Rasin - producer of the Mayan Calendar Portal, on 2012 the movie, our relationship with time, sustainability and the message of the Maya for modern times 6) Mayan Calendar Trip - Maya Sacred Path to 2012 - December 2-11, 2010 - Wisdom of the Ancient Maya. 7) El Quetzal Issue 4: 1 Eb - Today we begin our journey on the path of the 8th trecena, the Trecena of 1 Eb. Eb means "Path" or “Road,” but its essence is not so much about traveling on a path as about becoming the path yourself. To read the issue click here. 8) Mayan Calendar Blogs - check out the growing list of bloggers at the Mayan Calendar Portal. "Our intention is to bring together a number of diverse voices who can each offer a unique perspective, and hopefully a slightly different angle each time, on the role that the Sacred Mayan Calendar plays in today's global society." 9) "Spa for the Soul" - organized by Joseph Giove executive director of Common Passion - Free Global Tele-Webcast this coming Saturday December 12th, 2009. For event details click here. Being Nimble in Hyper-Time by Joseph R Giove Sacred Fire-Hunab Ku Sound and Light Healing by Da Vid Repatterning for Mastering the Art of Giving by Elizabeth Tobin Sound Healing Circle for Attuning to Joy by Barry Goldstein 10) Mayan Calendar BOOK SALE - Our Feature book is Carl Johan Calleman's New Book "The Purposeful Universe." All Mayan Calendar Books are priced at $13.99 plus shipping which is 30-50% off the suggested retail price! 11) 2010 Mayan Calendar Products - we have 2010 Mayan Daily Guides and Mayan Wall Calendars in stock just in time for early Christmas shopping. Thanks for your support it really helps keep Mayan Majix going ;-) A Special Thanks to our Newsletter Sponsor - The Mayan Calendar Portal  | REMINDERS: Daily Tzolkin in multiple languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, or EMBED the Daily Tzolkin into your web site. Wholesale - Mayan Calendar / Conversion Codices, DVD's, Mayan Jewelry are available at wholesale pricing. Affiliate Program - Coming Soon - January 2010. If interested please e-mail me. If this announcement has been forwarded to you and you would like to sign up for our announcements the e-list sign up box is located on our INFO CENTER page. Or you can e-mail me at admin@mayanmajix.com and I can sign you up. Thanks so much for your support! MIKE webmaster Mayan Majix http://www.mayanmajix.com admin@mayanmajix.com |
25% OFF Check out the Galactic Butterfly pendants http://www.mayanmajix.com/jewelry_2009.html Read past issues of our newsletter: 11/13/09, 11/05/09, 10/14/09, 09/09/09, 08/20/09, 07/15/09, 06/15/09, 06/10/09, 05/15/09, 04/14/09, 03/11/09, 02/04/09, 01/15/09, 01/05/09 |
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