Friday, December 18, 2009

The Institute for Cultural Awareness (ICA)


The Institute for Cultural Awareness (ICA) is a non-profit corporation providing a safe and healthy environment for cultural exchange and healing. ICA is dedicated to preserving sacred sites and indigenous traditions, bridging the gap between the elders and the children.

ICA's endeavors focus on a sustainable multicultural environment inspiring new dimensions of spiritual existence and the celebration of life.


After a brief period of introspection ICA is back online.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Some updated information regarding "The Return of the Ancestors - The Movie"...

The original plan was to include footage from the event,The Return of the Ancestors, and information about the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spritual Guides of The Americas.

The Council has recently requested that a seperate documentary be created dealing with the history and workings of the the Council's organization. ICA is honoring this request and has had to make changes to the production schedule.

After nearly 150 hours of filming, ICA has been working to edit and deliver this message in the form of a DVD movie will be accompanied with additional DVDs containing key interviews and presentations from these world wisdom keepers. After spending over $15,000 on this project to date we have reached the end of our available funding for this project.

ICA is currently looking into rasing the required funds to finish this project and we will keep you advised of our progress. We apologize to those of you who have already donated to this project and promise to keep you updated.

Letter from Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj

Guatemala de la Asunción, June 22, 2009

Institute for Cultural Awareness
Cottonwood, Arizona
Attention Adam DeArmon

Dear Adam Yellow Bird, and Carmen:

In the name of the Heart of the Heavens and the Heart of the Earth greetings to you from the National Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala.

It is with great pleasure that I write to you, little late but with joy and admiration, for the great work you both did in organizing and hosting this gathering, “The Return of the Ancestors”, in Arizona, this past April 2009. By experience I know how difficult it is to organize an event of this magnitude, and you and Carmen, two young people, in a short time were able to find the necessary help and did whatever needed to be done to see this event a reality and with a positive outcome. In such a short time you were able to gather a great number of Elders from different continents and so many countries; my great respect to you both.

We appreciate the fact that we were very well care for. Having us the Elders together in one place allowed us to have that intimate contact with each other, a true exchange of feelings and ideas took place, and we had plenty of time to address each one's concerns. We the Elders were very satisfied with the outcome of the event and have nothing else to say but to congratulate you for such amazing job that you did.

Despite all the obstacles that were presented before and during the pilgrimage, such as the intended boycott to try to block the event, all I can say is that “The Spiritual Force”, when things are done in the wright way, no one can stop it, it moves like a hurricane. Let it be an experience for you, when one takes the steps in the right path, the same Creator/God guides us. No Being who follows the path of our ancestors will ever be left in the darkness of ignorance, the light will always illuminate their path, just remember the Maya Prophecy: “The children of the Sun, the children of the fire will be the survivors after the Year Cero”. The essence of our cultures is the same, we are under the same sky, we occupy the same earth and we are children of one only Creator, one God; lets then walk together, at a slow pace, waiting for the rays of the new Sun.

Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj
Consejo Nacional de Ancianos
Mayas, Xinca y Garifuna de Guatemala

Gratitude Trailer from The Return of The Ancestors Gathering

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