Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Return Of The Ancestors Event

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Institute for Cultural Awareness

Summer Newsletter


With Much Gradtitude, Waiting for the rays of the new Sun
This newsletter is a follow-up summary regarding our recent ICA activity, Return of the Ancestors Gathering.
Please go to and register there to get the latest news.

Letter to ICA from Grand..father Elder Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, President of the National Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala
Tata Speaking at ROTA

Guatemala de la Asunción,
June 22, 2009

Dear Adam Yellowbird and Carmen:

In the name of the Heart of the Heavens and the Heart of the Earth greetings to you from the National Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala.

It is with great pleasure that I write to you, little late but with joy and admiration, for the great work you both did in organizing and hosting this gathering, "The Return of the Ancestors", in Arizona, this past April 2009. By experience I know how difficult it is to organize an event of this magnitude, and you and Carmen, two young people, in a short time were able to find the necessary help and did whatever needed to be done to see this event a reality and with a positive outcome. In such a short time you were able to gather a great number of Elders from different continents and so many countries; my great respect to you both.

We appreciate the fact that we were very well care for. Having us the Elders together in one place allowed us to have that intimate contact with each other, a true exchange of feelings and ideas took place, and we had plenty of time to address each one's concerns. We the Elders were very satisfied with the outcome of the event and have nothing else to say but to congratulate you for such amazing job that you did.

Despite all the obstacles that were presented before and during the pilgrimage, such as the intended boycott to try to block the event, all I can say is that "The Spiritual Force", when things are done in the right way, no one can stop it, it moves like a hurricane. Let it be an experience for you, when one takes the steps in the right path, the same Creator/God guides us. No Being who follows the path of our ancestors will ever be left in the darkness of ignorance, the light will always illuminate their path, just remember the Maya Prophecy: "The children of the Sun, the children of the fire will be the survivors after the Year Cero". The essence of our cultures is the same, we are under the same sky, we occupy the same earth and we are children of one only Creator, one God; lets then walk together, at a slow pace, waiting for the rays of the new Sun.

Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj
Consejo Nacional de Ancianos
Mayas, Xinca y Garifuna de Guatemala

Adam with Catapillar
A Message of Purity from Adam, President of Institute for Cultural Awareness
Coming soon!

Lama Norbu Speaks
ICA Sponsors Grand Elder Khempo Chokyi Gocha to Arizona following "The Return of the Ancestors Gathering", April, 2009.

Khenpo was born in 1942 in Tibet. When he was nine years old he entered into the Min Drol Ling Monstary and began his Buddhist education. In 1959 he escaped across the Himalayas into India and continued his education with exiled Tibetan Masters. In 1980 his master Dilgo Khen Tse Rinpoche sent him to Nepal at the Kanying Shedrub Ling Monestary as a Khempo, or Buddhist Teacher. He taught there several years and in 1980 he went to France and taught Boddhisatva Way of Life and so on and stayed there for seven years. In 1994 he received invitation from Vajrayana Buddhist Foundation Center. Since then he has been teaching Buddhism in San Diego, California.

We were honored to have Khenpo Chokyi Gocha presence at the Return of the Ancestors Gathering in April 2009.

He will be teaching in our community in Arizona about Near Death Inner Experience, Outer Vision and Life After Death Experience and Orientation, as well as How to Reduce Anger and Generate Tolerance and Loving Kindness. There will be a Questions and Answer session as well.

Sunday April 4, 2004

Teachings and Discussion begins promptly @ 1 pm
Meditation and Five Branch Exercise begins @ 3 pm
Seng Cho (Fire Puja Ceremony) and Chanting @ 4 pm

Suggested Donation $

Please contact ICA directly and learn how you can register now, 928-646-3000 or email us at

ICA would like to thank all of our supporters and registrants from the Return of the Ancestors Gathering. Without your support and belief in the gathering, none of this monumental event would have taken place. Please understand that even if you felt that the outcome of the gathering was not to your expectation, you still made a difference for humanity. Your support allowed these incredible elders from all over the world gather in one place for a sacred pilgrimage throughout Northern Arizona. For that, us at ICA will be forever grateful. We and the elders continue to pray for all of you that made this event a reality. Many Blessings to all of you and may the Great Spirit continue to bless you on your sacred path.
With much Gratitude from the Board Members of the Institute for Cultural Awareness
A 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing a safe and healthy environment for Cultural Exchange and Healing
For Our Return Of The Ancestors Move & DVD Join Our Mailing List

Institute for Cultural Awareness | P.O.Box 1502 | Cornville | AZ | 86325

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