In the next few weeks we will be issuing our first Newsletter, meanwhile, here are a few quick updates:
1. Intention Cr ystals 2. New Wandering Wolf Video Clips
3. Shift Central, Social Networking Portal and Discussion Forum
4. Web Site Language Translations
5. Maya News Blog
6. Affiliate Training Conference Call
7. Film Progress
1. INTENTION CRYSTALS: The first round of Quartz Intention Crystals went to all National, Planetary and Galactic Ambassadors that had enrolled by December 22nd, 2009. Based on our stock of this first family of crystals, we will now be shipping monthly, beginning early February for the period from December 22, 2009 though the end of January 2010. Please note this initiative has just begun and will continue to organically evolve. More rounds of Intention Crystals will be following, each unique with distinct intent to share with the world. Another type of crystal will be used for the next family, but details have not been finalized yet.
You can view the video of the First Round blessing by Grandfather Cirilo (Wandering Wolf), Rufino and Grandmother Elizabe th here:
We still have a limited number of this first family of quartz crystals if you would like to upgrade your level of support from Community Ambassador to one that receives the crystal gift. You may do that here:
“Seeding Mayan Knowledge and Wisdom– South America”
“Shift of the Ages First Round Intention Crystal”
Our mission is to help the Maya deliver their message to the world. While the film is being finished (discussed below), we will continue to create and share many short video clips, at no charge for viewers, on our site and on YouTube. There are now 5-6 of these message media clips to view, with more coming in the next few months:
Please help spread the messages by using the “SHARE” button on any page of our site or linking to them in your favorite social media portal.
3. SHIFT CENTRAL NOW OPEN! In order to foster greater community about the Shift of the Ages and the mission to support the Maya, we have just launched two initiatives, and respectfully request your cooperation:
A. Our Community Social Networking Portal called Shift Central. Please create a profile; share pictures, stories and experiences; create your own blog; network with people in your area; and tell us about your SHIFT!
B. The Shift of he Ages Discussion Forum:
With new and fresh conversations inspired by you!
We will be making some major changes to the web site in the coming months that will better relay our mission: it will have a lighter more elegant appearance, create more opportunity to interact, and help create the story we are collectively making called the Shift of the Ages.
4. LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS: We will also be translating the site into multiple languages, but need your help. If you can volunteer to be on a language team, please reply to with your language skills and availability.
5. MAYA NEWS BLOG: We are also supporting the release of a Maya News Blog that features news from the Maya of Central America and other indigenous reports from around the world. This way we can keep up on the happenings of our indigenous sisters and brothers, stay abreast of issues affecting them, and how we can support their causes in effective ways.
6. AFFILIATE TRAINING: We will be holding a training call for Shift of the Ages Affiliates On Saturday Feb 6th at 9 AM Pacific (Noon Eastern, 5:00 Pm GMT). A separate announcement will be sent with call in details. We now have over 60 approved affiliates and invite all Affiliates and Ambassadors to attend this global conference call. We will explain the Affiliate Program in detail and explore ways to help everyone be successful in spreading the message of the Maya.
7. FILM PROGRESS: After some early screenings of the film’s rough cut we are now revising the script to give the film a broader appeal and to be able to carry the message in a way more meaningful to the average person. We are exploring ways to have Ambassadors provide feedback on the film script later in the script-writing process. We’ll keep you posted as this develops, but know it will take a couple months when we are ready to proceed.
Our 2½ hour rough cut edit of the film has recently been trimmed into about a 1½ edit that our narrative will weave into. Once the Shift of the Ages script is finalized, we will have the blueprint needed to complete the film’s post-production. We will most likely seek an accomplished co-production company to help us with the final editing, graphic design, animation, voice over, sound, music, and other important attributes for release. This process could move relatively quickly with the right people and tools.
In closing, we wish to offer an important clarification of our work together. There are two main components to the Shift of the Ages project:
The first is helping Wandering Wolf and the Maya clear up popular misconceptions about their tradition and spread their messages to the world. Since 2005, we have been working diligently to share dozens of timely videos over the internet, without charge, to help spread the Maya’s message. We will continue to edit and release video shorts until the film itself is circulating. These videos, along with others, will be compiled into a bonus DVD for Ambassadors, and will be shared with Ambassadors in the next couple months. This i s our gift to you for your continued support.
The second component is to create an emotionally moving film that enthralls its viewers and honors the Maya and all whose dedication and support have made the project a reality. We are uncompromising on the creative process that will bring this film into theaters and households around the world. The timing for the release of the official Shift of the Ages film is a moving target, dependent on many factors, some of which are out of our immediate control. We originally thought we could have it finished by the end of 2009, then early 2010, and now with the exciting changes being incorporated by our writer, the time is moving forward. It will be released in an appropriate timeframe. Meanwhile, we will continue producing the video shorts to help develop awareness of the authentic Maya, to help establish the grassroots Ambassador network that will help raise awarenes s of the shift, as well as propel the film to a global audience.
We are not a Hollywood production company. We are a small independent effort with a goal of reaching a broad audience while not compromising the heart of the message. What is most important to us is the relationship we have with Wandering Wolf and the Maya people. There is little reason for the Maya to trust outsiders of the tradition, yet we have been given an amazing opportunity to team-up with the Grand Elder of the Living Maya. Wandering Wolf trusts us to help him and we don’t take that lightly. There are only a handful of us dedicated at a core level to seeing the project to completion, and together we are attempting to incorporate new models of film development, fundraising, distribution, and creative promotion. We are, however, bridging Maya time with Western timelines. We are very grateful for our aligned investors and the growing community of Ambassadors around the world. It is this continued support, and our undying commitment to the Maya cause, that will ensure our collective success.
Thank you,
The Shift of the Ages Team
Shift of the Ages | P-Qubd LLC
30159 Rim Rock Place
Canyon Lake, CA