Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Drunvalo Melchizedek has begun a new chapter in communication with the world!

Worldwide Web Live Broadcasts
Drunvalo has begun a new chapter in communication with the world!

drew2For the first time, Drunvalo will begin a live/interactive series of web casts on the subject of higher consciousness and expanding awareness. Just being himself and sharing his experience in spiritual matters, we will all explore the inner worlds of the ancient and modern ways of perceiving the Reality.

His first web cast called THE MAYA OF ETERNAL TIME - 2012 will begin with the realization that everything our modern world knows of the Maya and their knowledge, including the most accurate calendar know to man, did not come from the Maya themselves, but from the modern world – archeologists, universities, governments, researching individuals. The Maya themselves find the interpretation of the Mayan evidence differently then the modern world. How do we know that to be fact?

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Die Grafik "" kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil sie Fehler enthält.Because Don Alejandro Cirilo, the living Dali Lama of the Maya, said so, and he is the head of the Mayan Council of Guatemala, which is represented by all 440 Mayan tribes in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, the entire Mayan nation. According to Don Alejandro, a 13th generation Mayan shaman, the Maya have not spoken or written a single word with permission from the Mayan Council in 527 years.

To initiate a change in this silence, The Mayan Council brought a global assembly of people from all the continents of the world into sacred ceremony deep in the jungle of Guatemala in November of 2007, and in so doing, began to initiate the whole world into an amazing release of knowledge and wisdom to prepare the planet for a transformation into a new world of Light and realization.

A Message from Drunvalo

Die Grafik "" kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil sie Fehler enthält.Honestly, I believe the Maya are about to give this world their most sacred knowledge from their heart to help us along the path of consciousness just as a loving big brother or sister would.

The Maya feel it is their responsibility to let the world be aware of their past experience, their ancient memories around what the date of December 21, 2012 really means.

There are so many people stepping forward from the modern world, who are not Maya, with their books, videos and movies to tell us what the Mayan people know about our immediate future. Now the Maya wish to have a chance to tell their own story straight from their own heart.

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I am here only to open the way, as they have asked me to. It is my and the Mayan people’s hope that you will listen. It is definitely to your advantage. At the right time in the future, the leaders of the Mayan people will bring this opening to fruition. You will be there to hear and see their hearts speaking directly to you – God willing.

In the future, the live web casts will continue to open the way for expansion of awareness in these modern times, with other subjects and in depth reporting. All the areas of knowledge that effect us today, such as environmental relationships of energy and balance, healing our bodies, minds and hearts, meditation, contemplation, and dreaming our way into peace. Even the ET’s and the UFO’s are essential to our new understanding, according to our indigenous friends. All of Life will be explored.

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I guess what you would call this is, A SPIRITUAL TALK SHOW, interactive with your questions and needs.

From my heart to yours, thank you for being alive.

The Broadcasts are approximately two hours in length, and will be available in multiple languages.
Please send your questions to:

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