Thursday, October 15, 2009

Carl Calleman: A fundamental shift in our understanding of the origin of life!

A fundamental shift in our understanding of the origin of life!

Available October 21, 2009 from book stores or at

« I had a dream: Einstein refuses to play the game of dice with Darwin ». Between the simplicity of religion and the absurdity of an empty randomness, Carl Johan Calleman here proposes to us a brilliant, but plausible third way : The Tree of Life. Here we have finally a modern theory of the origin and evolution of life that unifies the most recent discoveries of science with the ancient wisdom such as the sacred geometry of the Golden Ratio or the time of the Maya. For the Maya time was like interferences and synchronicities - based on the time scales of 13 and 20 - what the Greek called Kairos or Leibniz baptised « accidents ». To me it is this dimension of time - found in the hidden order of chaos rather than in blind chance - that is detrimentally missing in the dogma that modern science has created from Darwin's vision. Without ever imposing God on us this great book brings agnostics like myself to face the evidence.

Jean-Claude Perez, PhD. of Mathematics and Information Science, author of « CODEX BIOGENESIS: les 13 codes de l'ADN » (the 13 codes of DNA) (In French from RESURGENCE, Liège, Belgium, 2009).

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Drunvalo Melchizedek has begun a new chapter in communication with the world!

Worldwide Web Live Broadcasts
Drunvalo has begun a new chapter in communication with the world!

drew2For the first time, Drunvalo will begin a live/interactive series of web casts on the subject of higher consciousness and expanding awareness. Just being himself and sharing his experience in spiritual matters, we will all explore the inner worlds of the ancient and modern ways of perceiving the Reality.

His first web cast called THE MAYA OF ETERNAL TIME - 2012 will begin with the realization that everything our modern world knows of the Maya and their knowledge, including the most accurate calendar know to man, did not come from the Maya themselves, but from the modern world – archeologists, universities, governments, researching individuals. The Maya themselves find the interpretation of the Mayan evidence differently then the modern world. How do we know that to be fact?

Die Grafik "" kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil sie Fehler enthält.

Die Grafik "" kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil sie Fehler enthält.Because Don Alejandro Cirilo, the living Dali Lama of the Maya, said so, and he is the head of the Mayan Council of Guatemala, which is represented by all 440 Mayan tribes in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, the entire Mayan nation. According to Don Alejandro, a 13th generation Mayan shaman, the Maya have not spoken or written a single word with permission from the Mayan Council in 527 years.

To initiate a change in this silence, The Mayan Council brought a global assembly of people from all the continents of the world into sacred ceremony deep in the jungle of Guatemala in November of 2007, and in so doing, began to initiate the whole world into an amazing release of knowledge and wisdom to prepare the planet for a transformation into a new world of Light and realization.

A Message from Drunvalo

Die Grafik "" kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil sie Fehler enthält.Honestly, I believe the Maya are about to give this world their most sacred knowledge from their heart to help us along the path of consciousness just as a loving big brother or sister would.

The Maya feel it is their responsibility to let the world be aware of their past experience, their ancient memories around what the date of December 21, 2012 really means.

There are so many people stepping forward from the modern world, who are not Maya, with their books, videos and movies to tell us what the Mayan people know about our immediate future. Now the Maya wish to have a chance to tell their own story straight from their own heart.

Die Grafik "" kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil sie Fehler enthält.

I am here only to open the way, as they have asked me to. It is my and the Mayan people’s hope that you will listen. It is definitely to your advantage. At the right time in the future, the leaders of the Mayan people will bring this opening to fruition. You will be there to hear and see their hearts speaking directly to you – God willing.

In the future, the live web casts will continue to open the way for expansion of awareness in these modern times, with other subjects and in depth reporting. All the areas of knowledge that effect us today, such as environmental relationships of energy and balance, healing our bodies, minds and hearts, meditation, contemplation, and dreaming our way into peace. Even the ET’s and the UFO’s are essential to our new understanding, according to our indigenous friends. All of Life will be explored.

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I guess what you would call this is, A SPIRITUAL TALK SHOW, interactive with your questions and needs.

From my heart to yours, thank you for being alive.

The Broadcasts are approximately two hours in length, and will be available in multiple languages.
Please send your questions to:

Mayan Majix - Announcement 10/14/09

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2012, Maya, Shift of the Ages film Teleconference call Thursday Oct 15

Good day Vibe Tribe,

Common Passion and InfinityAffinity members are true ambassadors of the magnificent shift of the ages, which we have all been diligently supporting in heart and mind for many years.

Many of you know I assumed the role of Executive Producer for the Shift of the Ages film project about a year ago. Steve Copeland the director, Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj (Grand Elder of the living Maya), his wife Elizabeth Araujo, a dedicated crew, a handful of investors and I have been hard at work finishing this film and preparing to release this authentic Mayan message to the world. We need your help too.

Herein I describe the importance of rallying in support of the Maya, the release of the upcoming Shift of the Ages film that presents their first public discourse to the world, and a unique program for which you are invited for helping to spread this important message of the Maya.

To learn more about the Shift of the Ages film project, please go here:

Shift of the Ages Film Web Site


Before I go further, however, please consider joining the first Shift of the Ages film Teleconference this Thursday evening (Friday AM GMT). Here are the details:

CALL IN DETAILS (Conference call is free but long distance charges may apply)

DATE: Thursday October 15

TIME: 9 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific (Los Angeles, California) 1 AM GMT (on the 16th)

NUMBER TO CALL: 724-444-7444

CALL ID: 66639 #, then 1#

Listen and chat from anywhere in the world or listen here after the call:

On the Web link above, if you get a "404 Error" just hit refresh or try again and it usually works.


We are on the threshold of a major shift in collective consciousness in both positive and negative directions. Among the many drivers of this shift may be the confluence of accelerating human evolution and fear of the unknown, otherwise known as "the future", the epitome of which is the 2012 and Mayan Calendar end date controversy. We have heard from everyone but the Maya on this pivotal topic. The time is now, according to Mayan Grand Elder Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, to hear from "Wandering Wolf, the Voice of the Jungle." This is the purpose of the Shift of the Ages film.

At the same time, beginning this November, the mass mind will be assaulted with the apocalyptic version of 2012 via a movie of the same name by the director of "Independence Day." If you haven't seen the trailer already, here you go:

You may also view their "non-profit" Institute for Human Continuity here, which is offering a lottery for people to occupy their underground facility intended to survive the "end of the world." How noble of Sony pictures to offer such hope for the lucky few who win their lottery, even if it is just a marketing gimmick.

In spite of, or maybe because of, this overt fear mongering, we have an unprecedented opportunity to ignite that fear into a powerful force for conscious transformation and human evolution, like all fear does when transcended. For many years we have collaborated in raising the vibration of humanity through global and community collective consciousness programs. I believe it is time to ramp up our programs, organize and transcend the shift. We can do this in part by rallying in support of those responsible for this ominous and auspicious 2012 date: the Maya.

Juxtaposed on the mainstream media's 2012 treatment is the authentic Mayan perspective, which has yet to be heard by a global audience. If the year 2012 has any significance whatsoever, it is because it points to Year Zero in the Mayan Calendar, which has been translated into "2012" by non-Mayan scholars. Don't you think it will be useful to hear the authentic account of Year Zero by the living elders of the Maya? This is offered in the Shift of the Ages film.

For over four years now this film has been gestating; it will be released in the next 6 months, with your help. The film itself has gone through its own "shift" but is nearing completion. We need your help to bring it to a global mainstream audience because as a low-budget, independent film, we do not have millions of dollars to invest in advertising and publicity. Instead, we have created an Ambassador-Affiliate Program designed to organize a grass-roots global outreach and marketing campaign. The Shift of the Ages Ambassador program allows you to help us and, with the film's success, to help your organization.

There is much more I could say, and I will, in the coming months about what the living Mayans have to say. Meanwhile, the new Shift of the Ages web site is awaiting your review, where we tell you about the film, the Maya and describe the Ambassador program.

When you visit the site, please use the link below or click to the Shift of the Ages site through the banner on the home page. This benefits Common Passion, and if you follow this instruction for your members (to have them click through your unique link/banner as a Shift of the Ages Affiliate) your organization will benefit too.

Thank you for your time, and your work!

All my best,


Joseph R. Giove
Executive Director, Common Passion
Executive Producer, Shift of the Ages

Shift of the Ages Film Web Site

Friday, October 9, 2009

Dr. Carl Calleman - First recognition by mainstream science that the Mayan calendar has meaning

First recognition by mainstream science that the Mayan calendar has meaning

Dear Friends,

For a long time the professional scientific community has resisted the thought that the different time periods of the Mayan calendar has a deeper meaning and are reflective of cosmic energies that influence the evolution of life on earth including that of humankind. While of course a large number of professional Mayanists have worked with elucidating the structure of the calendar system of the ancient Maya there has always been a resistance to acknowledging that there would be a reality behind these energies. Hence, even though it may not have been said so directly these cosmic energies have often been regarded as some kind of superstitions.

Now a beginning of a shift in attitude however seems to be on its way. At an international conference in Systems Theory at the University of Liege in Belgium Professor Tadeja Jere Lazanski won the award for best scientific paper in the CASYS'09 (Computing Anticipatory Systems) conference for "Systems thinking: Ancient Maya's Evolution of Consciousness and Modern Systems Thinking." The paper outlines the nine levels of evolution that are developed according to the Mayan calendar system and places them in the context of Systems Theory. In short Dr Jere Lazanski is driving the thesis that what the ancient Maya saw as a plan driven by divine energies is what now is generally referred to as the big picture.

This initial breakthrough into mainstream science of the true Mayan calendar system of Nine Underworlds and Thirteen Heavens is very significant. It is also noteworthy that, in contrast, the urban legend of a "galactic alignment" as the basis for the Mayan Long Count for good reasons has consistently been rejected by professional scientists (see for instance Vincent Malmström, The Astronomical Insignificance of Maya date,

That the breakthrough into established science of the True Mayan calendar system first happened in Systems Theory is not an accident. It is only from the perspective of the whole system that the Mayan calendar can be seen to make sense and any specialized science such as professional Mayanism, history, biology or physics would have to undergo so significant changes in its methodology and general approaches in order to recognize the validity of the Mayan calendar system that this would only happen against a much greater resistance.

I congratulate Professor Jere Lazanski for her contribution to science and feel this recognition
indicates the beginning of an increased openness in the scientific community to the deeper meaning
of the Mayan calendar.

Seattle, August 6, 2009 (6 Manik)
Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D

Ancient Maya’s Evolution of Consciousness and Contemporary Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking: Ancient Maya’s Evolution of Consciousness and

Contemporary Systems Thinking

Ass Prof Tadeja Jere Lazanski, PhD
University of Primorska,
Faculty of Tourism Studies-TURISTICA

Systems thinking as a modern approach for problem solving was revived after WWII even though it had been an ancient philosophy. We can track systems thinking back to antiquity. Differentiated from Western rationalist traditions of philosophy, C. West Churchman often identified with the I Ching as a systems approach sharing a frame of reference similar to pre-Socratic philosophy and Heraclitus. In the paper we will compare the evolutionary system of consciousness, which was presented in Tun calendar at Maya Indians and contemporary systems theory and systems thinking, which is nothing else but highly evolved human consciousness in society. The Mayan numerical system and long count units has been proven as one of the most accurate systems for describing the present and future of the civilization in which we have all evolved. We will present Mayan nine-level pyramids system that represents the evolutionary system – the consciousness, which nowadays shows the actual level of human consciousness. Deriving from all described we will show the main systems principles, discussed by contemporary systems authors and Mayan systems principles, which differs only in one expression – they named a “big picture” as “the divine plan”. The final results can be perfectly implied to the society we live in. Seeing the world from the big picture point of view is reaching a level of awareness, where linear thinking is replaced by system thinking. Maya explained that the civilization will achieve the system of conscious cocreation. We can claim that linear thinking guides us to a limited consciousness, whereas systems thinking opens the possibilities of conscious co-creation for the benefits of sustainable society and future of the planet.

Keywords: systems, systems thinking, evolutionary system, Maya society, co-creation


Systems thinking is a framework that is based on the belief that the component parts of a system can best be understood in the context of relationships with each other and with other systems, rather than in isolation. The only way to fully understand why a problem or element occurs and persists is to understand the part in relation to the whole.
(Capra, 1997)

There are some historical facts regarding systems and systems thinking. Systems thinking as a modern approach for problem solving was revived after WWII even though it had been an ancient philosophy. We can track systems thinking back to antiquity. Differentiated from Western rationalist traditions of philosophy, C. West Churchman often identified with the I Ching as a systems approach sharing a frame of reference similar to pre-Socratic philosophy and Heraclitus. (Hammond, 2003)
The first systems thinkers can be found in the oldest of human societies – the ancient
Phoenicians with their cuneiforms, the Egyptians with their pyramids, Greek philosophers and Maya Indians are the earliest ancient societies of system thinkers. The Mayan numerical system and long count units has been proven as one of the most accurate systems for describing the present and future of the civilization in which we have all evolved.
The Mayan calendars Tzolkin and Tun, based on mathematics as a strictly rational factor and enriched by intuition, are examples of an evolutionary system of human consciousness. The calendars and their meaning for sustainable society were completely explained and scientifically proven by Swedish microbiologist and Professor Carl Johan Calleman. The calendars presented personal intents of individuals and prophetic meanings for civilization. (Calleman, 2004)
Basically, he deciphered the purpose of the calendars, what they represented and meant to the Mayans and how they used them. He discovered that the calendars were timing the development and evolution of consciousness (individual, societal, universal).

Maya as System Thinkers

Maya Indians as ancient system thinkers offer a complete shift of perception in thinking to a modern man. Contemporary society is an interdisciplinary society, an interdependent phenomenon that interrelates with almost all areas of human lives. This fact perfectly describes society as a complex system whose problems are softly defined and phenomena uncertain. Decision-making is difficult and stressful; solutions are short termed. Usually people make their decision in a classic way: they use conventional/linear thinking. The use of systems thinking gives an individual broader perspectives, long-term solutions, naturally achieved sustainability and harmonious elements within the society. One very interesting fact, as the following history shows, is that systems thinking was not mentioned among leading philosophers, politicians in the centuries between the breakdown of Mayan civilization and the beginning of WWII. The reason for this can be found by following the Mayan nine-step system of creation and evolution of human consciousness. “The ninestep Mayan pyramids are thus telling us that consciousness is created in a hierarchical way and that each Underworld stands on the foundation of another” (Calleman, 2004 –

Picture 1: The Evolutionary system-Conscious Evolution of Each Cycle (Calleman, 2001, image source:

Picture 1 shows the Mayan nine-level pyramids system that represents the evolution of consciousness. The evolutionary system started with the “big bang,” 16 .4 billion years ago, and ended when the first living cells appeared. The level of consciousness was at that time only action followed by reaction of organisms (Calleman, 2004). On the other four steps, consciousness evolved from stimulus/response, stimulus/individual response,
similarity/difference, reasoning – started by the shamans of the tribal groups when they (the shamans/the learned or wise men) came up with the reasons as to why things are/were the way they are. These shamans then since evolved into priests and religions on the basis of cosmology, through the cultural cycle and formed a single pantheon with the religion of Egypt.

This is where people developed their own styles for survival

according to their reasons for/of life. The last four steps of consciousness as an evolutionary system are the most important ones, since we can find parallels with events that happened and happen today if we carefully observe this system.
The sixth step of consciousness, which began in 3115 BC, was law and punishment and lasted until 1755 AD. The concept of good and evil developed (Adam, Eve and the apple – the idea of retribution) but also the Laws of Nature and Science were discovered (Laws of Thermodynamics, etc).
The seventh step of consciousness from 1755 to 1999 was a consciousness of power,
where there was no place for integration but analyzing, separation, creating towers of power, wars and manipulation. This is a reason that no one would think of connection and integration, of systems thinking in its highest meaning; not one philosopher or politician. People become above the rule of societal law, the Industrial Revolution happened, followed by the knowledge brought by the IT revolution; society has “horseless carriages with engines that have the power of many horses.” Everything depends on the individual viewpoint

of the application of power that makes the use of power good or evil.1
Today we are living in the eight level of consciousness which started in 1999 and will end in 2011. It is a consciousness of ethics, where all the towers of manipulation of negative power are collapsing. Ethics in the largest sense means spontaneous solutions through the application of law and power to the benefit to everyone. It shines from within and is personal, knowing the right thing to do and doing it. It is a refined consciousness. Now, the powerful people who make the laws and lead the nations and societies cannot get away with anything without being exposed, all abuses of power are becoming uncovered.

This consciousness leads towards the last ninth step of Mayan evolutionary system, towards conscious co-creation, which begins at the end of 2011. Here we can talk about the integration of all systems, which leads the planet to one harmonious system, which was mentioned by system thinkers in the 20th. (Bertalanffy, 1952, Wiener, 1948, Senge, 1994, Ackoff, 1999) Russell Ackoff (Ackoff, 1999) in particular clarifies the differences between conventional, linear thinking and systems thinking. An understanding

of the difference between analysis and synthesis is crucial for an introduction to the theory of a system. Ackoff explains that analysis has been the dominant mode of thought in the Western world for 400 years. Here we can compare the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth level of Mayan nine steps system consciousness with Ackoff’s discoveries. Analysis explains how the pieces of a system work. According to Mayan calendar and the evolution of consciousness, there were certain steps in the evolution, which represented the consciousness of analysis: law and punishment, (6th step, from 3115BC-1755AD) power and fear, division and ruling (7th step, from 1755-1999AD). We need to synthesize in order to understand the system and the interactions between its parts as they work together. As much as this is valid for living systems, it also represents the 8th and the 9th steps of Mayan calendar regarding the transformation of human consciousness. At the present time, we are in a period of ethics (8th step, from 1999- 2011), which connect and foresee the integration of the elements to a whole – so called oneness or wholeness

(9th step, from 2001 onward).

Understanding the implications of seeing the organization as a system leads to the conclusion that cooperation (integration) is more effective than internal competition (separation) in leading any organization to work more effectively. The cooperation and the integration, which systems and systems thinking brought was not welcomed by those rulers who wanted power through wars and separation (the consciousness of power); for example, Napoleon I, WWI and WWII.


1 The same amount of conscious evolution occurs in each cycle. This means that the amount of change that happened in the 1st cycle of 16.4 billion years happened in the 2nd cycle 20 times faster in 820 million years.


Systems and systems thinking were revived by Ludwig von Bertalanffy, who published his manifesto of general system theory (Bertalanffy, 1952) and Norbert Wiener with Cybernetics (Wiener, 1948) as a methodology for complex phenomena research, theory and cybernetics became an important whole in different fields of scientific research. Although the word “system” denoted a whole consisting of parts and was the axiom for ancient philosophers, General Theory (GST) and cybernetics clearly indicated the relevance of the order and structure of elements within a whole for its behavior. System dynamics (Forester, 1961) and systems thinking (Senge, 2006) are equivalent and can be unified within a system concept. (Kljajić, 2008)
In the world of systems, we find five typical characteristics of them and define three categories of systems: hard systems, (e.g. Mayan pyramids, contemporary hardware) soft systems (e.g. Mayan civilization, modern organization) and evolutionary systems (e.g. consciousness).

The characteristics of systems are connected to the purpose of each system: seeking balance to serve specific purposes within larger systems, combining the parts in a way for the system to carry out its purpose and the fact that every system has feedback. The last we represent graphically with feedback loops, which connect entities among themselves. Hard systems involve simulations, often use computers and the techniques of operation research. They are useful for problems that can justifiably be quantified. However, they cannot easily take into account unquantifiable variables (opinions, culture, politics, etc.), and may treat people as being passive, rather than having complex motivations. Soft systems cannot easily be quantified, especially those involving people holding multiple and conflicting frames of reference. They are useful for understanding motivations, viewpoints, and interactions and addressing qualitative as well as quantitative dimensions of problem situations.

Evolutionary systems, similarly to dynamic systems, are understood as open, complex systems, but with the capacity to evolve over time. Bela Banathy uniquely integrated the interdisciplinary perspectives of systems research (including chaos, complexity, and cybernetics) cultural anthropology, evolutionary theory and evolution of consciousness

(Banathy, 2000).

Systems Thinking Principle: “The Divine Plan” and “The Big Picture”

One of the principal objects of theoretical research in the department of knowledge is to find the point of view from which the subject appears in its greatest simplicity.

(J. Willard Gibbs quoted in Burch 1999)

Systems thinking emphasizes looking at wholes rather than parts, and stresses the role of interconnections. It is a circular and focuses on closed interdependencies, where x influences y, y influences z, z influences x. It has precise set of rules that reduce the ambiguities and miscommunications that can crop up when we talk with others about complex issues. It offers causal loop diagrams, which are rich in implications and insights. It opens a window on our mental models, translating our individual perceptions

into explicit pictures that can reveal subtle yet meaningful differences in viewpoints. (Anderson, 1997)



The “Divine plan”

The “Big picture”

Long term, short term perspectives

Long term, short term perspectives

Measurable and no measurable data

Measurable and no measurable data

Dynamic, complex and interdependent

Dynamic, complex and interdependent

We are part of a system

We are part of a system

Table 1: Principles of systems thinking: Maya Vs Modern systems thinking

Table 1 represents systems thinking principles of the ancient and modern societies – Mayan and modern systems thinking. Einstein’s saying that “problems that are created by our current level of thinking can not be solved by that same level of thinking,” leads us towards the big picture principle or the divine plan, or the higher purpose. Systems thinking offers a whole different way to communicate about the way we see the world, and to work together more productively on understanding and solving complex problems. Long term and short term

perspectives in Mayan time can be explained by their having equally treated each day’s celebration ceremonies as well as long term perspective wisdom. Modern systems thinking treats equally short and long term solutions of the issues, depending on the issue. Mayan numerals were equally important as the data written on “stela,” which is a carved monument (Guernsey, 2006).

Mayan numerals were equally important as the data carved on one stele discovered in Coba, Yucatan peninsula. The data deciphered by Carl Johan Calleman explains Tun (Long count) calendar or Evolution of consciousness as a whole: …”the Creation date of the Long count is placed in the context of several creation cycles”. (Calleman, 2000)

The fourth principle of complexity is also valid for ancient time as well as for contemporary society. Interdependency and turbulence in everyday society causes fast systems dynamics. The development of complexity in Maya civilization has been invigorated by a series of spectacular finds in the lowland regions of

Veracruz and Peten. These have demonstrated the gifted development of complexity among lowland relative to highland Mesoamerican societies. The discoveries emphasize the use of mature writing systems and the formation of formal political hierarchies centuries earlier than once believed (Canuto, 2007).

The last principle, which we stand, is that we all are a part of a system – either a small, big or the biggest one. The Maya wrote this statement to a Tun – one of the three calendars they use – the prophetic one.
Let us examine one of the systems thinking principles. (Pictures 2a and 2b) They have seen the bigger picture, the one that nowadays we call it “the first principle of system thinking” (Jere Lazanski, 2008). The Maya had a so-called “divine plan,” which was actually a big picture they were aware of and were part of. They knew that the civilization will achieve the system of co-creation, but they also knew what many of contemporary individuals do not know. Seeing the world from the big picture point of view is reaching a level of awareness, where linear thinking is replaced by system thinking. First, we can present the Mayan systems thinking of “divine plan or a big picture”.

Pictures 2a and 2b: The Divine plan (Lungold,2004) and The Big Picture

The Maya had a third orientation to their existence called Personal Intent2 and a 4th

orientation called the Divine Plan – “Big Picture”. When considering the Personal Intent and Divine Plan in relation to the Mayan Calendar, it is important to understand that the Mayan Calendar is about patterns and cycles and people have to recognize the patterns. They solved problems by having a system, which brought them peace of mind. They used four steps to get them into the peace of mind. First, they were conscious of being a part of a much bigger system, which they called a divine plan. They knew they had to recognize patterns in order to achieved certainty. The second step was their recognition that certainty guided them to centeredness. The third step described how centeredness led them to the fourth step, called peace of mind. Today, we achieve the same state of mind when we get to the systemic structure, which drives patterns and events.

We reach the three levels of understanding: reaction to an event, adaptation of patterns and creating change going to the structure. The real power of structural-level thinking comes in: actions taken at the level of event are creative, because they help us to shape a different future, the future that we want. Our ability to influence the future process increases as we move from event-level to pattern level and to structural level thinking. Sometimes, the best action we can take must remain focused on the present. The art of thinking at the systemic structure level comes with knowing when to address a problem at the event, pattern or structural level, and when to use an approach that combines the three.


For centuries systems thinking was overlooked. The reason for this fact can be found in its main message, following the Mayan development of human consciousness as evolutionary system: the integration of all systems, which leads the planet to one harmonious system. The evolution of human consciousness did not allow the systems thinking to appear as common thinking before the time. Now, it’s the time.


1. Ackoff, R.1999) Ackoff's Best: His Classic Writings on Management. (Wiley)

2. Anderson, V., Johnson L. (1997) Systems Thinking Basics: From Concepts to Causal Loops. Pegasus communication. Williston ISBN 1-883823-12-9

3. Banathy, B. (2000) Guided Evolution of Society: A Systems View (Contemporary Systems Thinking). Vienna: Springer.

4. Bertalanffy, L. V. (1952). General System Theory. New York. George: Braziller


2 Personal Intent means knowing what (and where) you are supposed to be doing with your life and how you can develop your own consciousness. (Lungold, 2004)

5. Burch, T. K. (1999) Computer Modeling of Theory: Explanation for the 21st Century.

University of Western Ontario. London. Ontario. Canada. ISBN: 07714 -2180 -X

6. Capra, F. (1997) The Web of Life A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems. Anchor. New York ISBN: 978-0385476768

7. Calleman, C.J. (2000) Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our time: The Mayan Calendar Garev Publishing ISBN 978-0970755803

8. Calleman, C.J. (2004). The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness: Rochester Vermont: Bear and Company. ISBN 1-59143-028-3

9. Canuto, M. (2007). Does the Sun Always Rise in the Suneast? The dawn of civilization – Maya Weekend. University of Pennsylvania Museum.

10. Capra, F. (1996) The web of life: a new scientific understanding of living systems (1st Anchor Books ed.). New York: Anchor Books. pg. 30

11. David, F. A. and Richardson, G. P. (1997) Scripts for group model building, System Dynamics Review, Vol. 13, No.2, 107-129.

12. Forrester, J.W. (1961) Industrial Dynamics. Boston: MIT Press.

13. Guernsey, J.(2006) Ritual and Power in Stone: The Performance of Rulership in Mesoamerican Izapan Style Art, University of Texas ISBN 978-0292713239

14. Hammond, D. 2003. The Science of Synthesis. Colorado: University of Colorado Press

15. Jere Lazanski T.: Systems thinking and Complex Systems Modeling, Academica Turistica I, no. 3-4, December 2008, pg. 79-83.

16. Kljajić, M. Significance of simulation and systems approach methodology in development of complex systems. V: Symposium on Engineering and Management of IT-based organizational systems, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2008. Engineering and management of IT-based organizational systems: a system approach. Tecumseh, Ontario: The international institute for advances studies in system research and cybernetics, 2008, pg. 34-38.

17. Lungold, I. (2004) The Condor Flies to Eagle, lecture in White Horse, June 22nd. Canada

18. Senge, P. (2006) The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. (revised and updated) New York. Currency Doubleday.

Internet source:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mayanmajix Astrology Reports

I have sent many of you short summaries of your mayan personality reports. The thing that always got me about these readings are how detailed they are. Most "horoscopes" i have ever seen are vague and illusive."Today something will happen,,,,,,,,etc..."

I thought i would share MY personal mayan astrology report with you. That way you can see what is in them and get to know me at the same time

Comments from those who purchased a Mayan Astrology report.

These are available on our website for $10, they can be mailed or send in a .pdf



Prepared for 1CIMI

DAY-SIGN: 1-Transformer (Death)

YEAR: South-11

13-DAY PERIOD: 1-Transformer (Death)


VENUS PHASE: Evening Star

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The ancient Maya and Aztec astrologers studied the mysterious influence of the rhythms of the sky on earthly life. Everyone knows the Sun rises and sets every day -- this is the basic rhythm of life around which we set our clocks and calendars. What the ancient astrologers discovered was that other time cycles existed that were multiples of this basic day cycle. This fact was discovered about 100 years ago in Europe and these cycles (there are many of them) are now called biorhythms. The most important time cycles in ancient Mayan and Aztec astrology are those of the day, 9-days, 13-days, and 20-days. Additionally, years are counted also, in groups of 4 and 13. Each day is then part of several other cycles, so no two days are exactly the same. Your Maya/Aztec horoscope below shows exactly where in each of the cycles you were born. Each category below examines a specific cycle and a specific aspect of your personality. Keep in mid that our personalities are complex and contain many contradictions. All of us present a different "face" depending on who we meet. The delineations below will reflect this, but they will also give you a clear picture of who you really are. The true value of astrology lies in self-knowledge, the first step to wisdom.


Here are your strongest and most obvious personality traits. The delineation below describes who you are and how you appear to others, at least on the surface. In Aztec astrology this part of is your horoscope is your Tonalli, or Day-Sign, the form bestowed upon you by the Sun. You tend to have, in good measure, what might be called political awareness. You are concerned with what is happening in the world, or in your own neighborhood, and you like to feel that you can make a difference. You are cooperative and rarely allow your ego to get in the way of progress toward the collective goals you believe in. If you do make politics a career, you will not hesitate to align yourself with someone more powerful or influential than yourself. You take all kinds of responsibilities very seriously.

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You can be depended on to do the best job you can, but because you generally usually avoid very heavy responsibilities whenever possible, or leave them to others, you may not be completely prepared for crises that may occur. Obligations to others, and a sense of duty, tend to dominate your thinking and choices in life. It is possible that your life could become so bound up with the lives of others that it may be difficult for you to say where your self-interest begins and obligation to others ends. Because you are so polite and hesitant to speak your true feelings, you tend to give in to others more often than may be

necessary or even reasonable. You do have a tendency to form partnerships with rather strong individuals. The actual power dynamics of these relationships may not be clear on the surface, but underneath there is usually a good deal of psychological manipulation, probably by both parties. In many cases you assume a passive, victim-like role and allow your partner to appear to be the leader. However, you hold on to a good deal of the power and often influence events from behind the scenes, or indirectly. You intuitively know that life is a mystery and you may have learned early on that faith can carry you beyond the limits of your understanding. In many respects, you live on trust and belief in your future and often allow others, rather than yourself, to shape the world around you. Maybe you simply do not want to know too much and carefully avoid exposing yourself to many things. This may be in part due to your associations with powerful others whose decisions and choices affect you profoundly. Religion may appeal to you, especially organized, traditional religion, or possibly a metaphysical philosophy of life that embraces reincarnation. These are powerful forces that can guide you through life and give it meaning. You often experience life as a personal sacrifice of some sort, and your beliefs give your sacrifices meaning. Religion, or your own brand of spirituality, also plays into your sense of obligation toward others and the community.Intellectually, you are conservative and traditional, or at least lean in that direction. Once you focus on and become attached to a set of ideas and beliefs, you stay with them, perhaps for security reasons. You are not always open to new ideas, though you may politely listen to whoever challenges your beliefs. You may also struggle with decision making at times, this being related to the issue of giving

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up the security, both intellectual and material, you already have. Most persons born under this day-sign are very sensitive to causes. These may be those of the poor and needy, the oppressed, and the sick, and also those of the environment and quality of life. You are big-hearted but you also have a strong sense of responsibility and duty. Although you have a real feeling for and support causes, real "down and dirty" activism is not always your style. You often prefer to support the cause, but let others take the action. You have materialistic or practical inclinations. If you become committed to making money you will certainly know what to do with it once you get it. You also tend to be quite security conscious. You invest your money carefully, often in real estate, and use it wisely. This may be due in part to experiences with poverty, or at least a limited income, early in life. You are not known to be a great risk taker, except maybe on some political issues, and you prefer a life of domestic security to that of adventure. You can be very attached to home and family. While you may aspire to be wealthy, you don't pretend to be, and if you have wealth, others would never know it. You prefer to cut a low profile in life. The actual experience of death, whether personal, in the family or with a close friend, may have left a strong mark on you. Talking about such experiences is difficult for you and you prefer to avoid the subject. Because of this tendency to keep strong emotional experiences to yourself, you are often regarded by others as hard to really know and emotionally distant. But you are still very social, and to complicate things further, you tend to manifest these two distinctly different personalities depending on the environment you are in, or on how much you've had to drink. Often the real problem here is one of inhibitions. You have conservative and repressive tendencies and may need to lighten up now and then for the sake of your own mental health. Some persons born on this day have both a public and a private personality and this is sometimes reflected in having two or more residences. The Aztec name for this day was Miquiztli, which means skull or death's head. It is the sixth of the twenty day-signs and it was symbolized by a skull. Although this symbol may seem somewhat negative today, as do some of the

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other Aztec day-sign names, what was probably implied by it was more like sacrifice or loss of ego. The god Tecciztecatl, a Moon-god, was linked to this sign and the mythology surrounding him is of value in understanding the sign. The myth tells of the gods gathering at the end of an age and trying to decide how the next world will come into being. Tecciztecatl, after some hesitation, finally sacrificed himself by leaping into a fire (along with another god) thereby giving of himself so that the world could begin again. The personality of your day-sign is reflected in the planet and sign emphasis in your Western astrological chart. It is very likely that the zodiac signs Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces are prominent in your birthchart, or the planets Pluto, Saturn, Neptune and the Moon. These symbolize your sensitivity and strong sense of participation and personal sacrifice.


The Maya and Aztec astrologers recognized that each year produces a unique group of people. Each individual year in a 52-year cycle is linked with a number and a compass direction that has an astrological meaning. The delineation below says something about you in only a general sense. It describes the general traits that you share with others born in your year. You were born during the year called 11-South. From the perspective of ancient Mexico, the South is a region characterized by the triumph of life over nature. The South is where the uncontrolled growth of the jungle overuns even the mountains. Accordingly, the southern direction symbolizes power and energies of feelings and emotions. Being born during a year of the South, you are probably strongly motivated by your feelings and emotions, in a general sense at least. You are strongly driven by what you feel you need to

do, not just what you think you need to do. The urgings within you have a great deal of power and may sometimes cause you do to things that others deem irrational. To others you may seem confused. On some occasions that may be so, but more often your instincts and feelings prove to be correct and appropriate. This is your gift -- sensitivity

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of feelings. Your challenge is to develop your mind and understand choice from a different perspective. The number 11 preceding your direction indicates that you are motivated by the needs of the group. When all are out of harmony, no one can be at peace. The energies of your direction will help you heal rifts in the social would around you.


Each of us reacts to the world around us in different ways. Our reactions are mostly unconscious; they represent what our deeper self needs. Our reactions both attract and repel us from things, people, and situations. What we like, what we like to do, and who we really are is shown by the 13-day week called the Trecena that we were born under. Each of these periods begins with the number 1 and the name of the day-sign that starts it. A number is attached to your position within the 13-day period that may be an important number for you. You were born on the first day of the 13-day period beginning with the day 1-Death. Both your inner and outer personalities reveal that you have a strong interest and commitment to your community. When asked, you will sacrifice time for others, though you are often not sure just why it is that you do this. You take your obligations seriously and do your duty faithfully. The past is a compelling factor in your life and you have strong feelings for what has come before you. Traditions mean a lot to you and you may be attracted to history and antiquities. You are, ultimately, a very down-to-earth person. Your basic nature is political, or at least status-conscious. You are concerned with what others think about you. You think communally and you see yourself as part of a group, not just an individual, and you are concerned with the welfare of that group. Your beliefs, what ever they may be, are important to you and religion may play a role in your life. You generally don't ask many questions about matters of belief, however. Being a supporter is what you like to do best, leadership is not always your cup of tea. Often, you align yourself with another who takes the lead. Your deep-seated self-consciousness and insecurity causes you discomfort when you do take on leadership

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positions yourself. Death is a sign of the North, a direction symbolic of rationality and understanding. Since your were also born during the 13-day period ruled by this sign, the northern direction symbolism is of particular importance to you. At your worst you could become too dependent on intellectual solutions to your problems -- failing to take into consideration, or ignoring entirely, the less rational aspects of human life. At your best you are mentally astute, communicative and open to new ideas. The Aztecs thought 1-Death to be a good day, one dedicated to the great god Tezcatlipoca. It was said that one born on this day would prosper and be rich, and he would achieve honors. But this success rested on performance of penances and humility. It was also a special day for slaves, a day on which they were given special favors and treated well by their owners.


The ancient Mayan and Aztec astrologers used a 9-day cycle of gods and goddesses called the "Lords of the Night." These deities symbolize the workings of your deepest and darkest self, parts of you that others may not know of or understand. They also symbolize the deepest forces behind your "will to exist." You were born under the eighth Lord of the Night. Your ruling deity is Tepeyollotl (Tay-pay-OLE-lot-el). He is a jaguar god that rules interiors and inner chambers. He was known as the "Heart of the Mountains." Like the god, you are a deep person who faces the inner world. You know how to get to the center of things and would make a good counselor or therapist. Tepeyollotl was actually a form of another god, the master magician Tezcatlipoca (Tez-cat-lee-PO-ka). The jaguar was this god's magical identity. This suggests that you are actually a very clever person, quick of mind and fast on your feet. And you're not afraid to face the dark -- you are drawn to it. For some this may mean that you become involved in struggles with your own negative thoughts, for others it may mean a career as a psychotherapist or investigator. Either way, you have a powerful mind and would do well to

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point it inward and explore the complexity of the inner world. You do have a rather active mind. You may actually be an obsessive talker, which is good if you are a counselor or psychologist. Your need to talk is strong, but you should be aware of how others react to this need. Don't be talking others' ear's off. Use your intellect for research or investigation. Learn how to study effectively and, by all means, stay active physically by walking, running, or riding.


Maya and Aztec astrologers observed the phases of the planet Venus and correlated them with events on earth. Venus has four basic phases: morning star, evening star, and two conjunctions with the Sun. The phase of Venus you were born under symbolizes your relationship patterns how you approach and become involved with others, both individuals and groups. You were born with Venus in its Evening Star phase. According to the Maya, this is a 250-day period when Venus is visible after the Sun sets. This phase follows the Superior Conjunction phase and precedes the Inferior Conjunction phase. For you, feelings and emotions arise after an action has been taken. In making judgments, which you do very well, you evaluate what has happened against the background of society's rules and values. You instinctively understand the power, and perhaps the correctness, of the world as it is and has been. Your vision is one that has probably been strongly influenced by tradition. There is a subtle anger in your life, possibly a reaction to being imprinted by society, culture or your parents. One result of this is shown in your aggressive

actions against the powers that be. It is as if you resent the fact that you are so deeply conditioned to evaluate and interpret the world in a certain way, and so you take out this anger on others. But this is very subtle and most of you will only notice this pattern in a general way, over the course of a lifetime.

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One positive manifestation of evening star Venus is that you may become, consciously or unconsciously, successful due to the fact that you personify certain family and traditional values. In extreme cases, you could become a hero, a person who represents what your society believes in. It is through participation with the traditions and cultural definitions of reality that you achieve emotional satisfaction and success in life.


From time to time we experience periods where our lives seem to be rushing forward -- almost out of control. Sometimes we accomplish great things during these periods; sometimes we become stressed or fail at something. More often we find that our experience of life is more intense, and richer. The Maya astrologers discovered such a cycle: your "peak" dates in this cycle are listed below. You will probably find that your experience of life becomes more intense about five days before the peak date and then builds. Keywords displayed next to the dates are a suggestion of how to focus your energies.

Critical day list for 1CIMI

Report start date: Mar 28 2009

Report end date: Mar 28 2014

Critical Day Phase Day No./Name Direction Keyword

Sat May 2 2009 1/4 1 Monkey West perform

Mon Jul 6 2009 1/2 1 Vulture South conform

Wed Sep 9 2009 3/4 1 Alligator East protect

Fri Nov 13 2009 Full 1 Death North sacrifice

Sun Jan 17 2010 1/4 1 Monkey West perform

Tue Mar 23 2010 1/2 1 Vulture South conform

Thu May 27 2010 3/4 1 Alligator East protect

Sat Jul 31 2010 Full 1 Death North sacrifice

Mon Oct 4 2010 1/4 1 Monkey West perform

Wed Dec 8 2010 1/2 1 Vulture South conform

Fri Feb 11 2011 3/4 1 Alligator East protect

Sun Apr 17 2011 Full 1 Death North sacrifice

Tue Jun 21 2011 1/4 1 Monkey West perform

Thu Aug 25 2011 1/2 1 Vulture South conform

Sat Oct 29 2011 3/4 1 Alligator East protect

Mon Jan 2 2012 Full 1 Death North sacrifice

Wed Mar 7 2012 1/4 1 Monkey West perform

Fri May 11 2012 1/2 1 Vulture South conform

Sun Jul 15 2012 3/4 1 Alligator East protect

Tue Sep 18 2012 Full 1 Death North sacrifice

Thu Nov 22 2012 1/4 1 Monkey West perform

Sat Jan 26 2013 1/2 1 Vulture South conform

Mon Apr 1 2013 3/4 1 Alligator East protect

Wed Jun 5 2013 Full 1 Death North sacrifice

Fri Aug 9 2013 1/4 1 Monkey West perform

Sun Oct 13 2013 1/2 1 Vulture South conform

Tue Dec 17 2013 3/4 1 Alligator East protect

Thu Feb 20 2014 Full 1 Death North sacrifice

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Like the civilizations of China, India and the Ancient Near East, the early American civilizations developed an astrology, a logic of the sky. Archaeological evidence of Native American astrology points to origins as far back as 600 BC, and perhaps even earlier. Unlike the astrologies of the Old World, the astrology of ancient Mesoamerica (Mexico and parts of Central America) developed in isolation and was not influenced by other traditions. Its very nature therefore is very different from the astrological traditions Westerners are more familiar with. All of the Mesoamerican civilizations, Olmec, Toltec, Maya, Zapotec and Aztec, used essentially the same astrology. Although the names of symbols varied, the concepts remained the same. Because the Aztecs were the predominant civilization at the time of the Spanish Conquest, we have chosen to use their symbol names in this modern reconstruction of the Mesoamerican astrological tradition. At the core of Mesoamerican astrology are the 20 day-signs. Like the 12 signs of the Western Zodiac, these are signs descriptive of both personality and possibility. In other words, the signs can be used to describe a person, or they can describe an event. In the Western 12-sign zodiac, the signs are sections of space spread across the sky along the path of the Sun, Moon and planets. The Maya/Aztec day-signs are very different, they are based on time and are actually names of days. Each sign lasts only one day, until it comes up again twenty days later. Like our 7-day week, which is astrological and named for the planets, the Maya and Aztecs used a 20-day week for astrological purposes. There is no presently known reason why the Maya and Aztecs used only 20 signs. Perhaps they had discovered an important biorhythm or cycle. But besides the 20-days, they also used a 13-day cycle (or sign) and these intertwined with each other. While the days of the 20-day cycle each have a name, the days of the 13-day cycle are numbered from 1 to 13. If you start both cycles together, the first day of the 20-day cycle coinciding with the first day of the 13-day cycle, it will take exactly 260 days for all possible combinations of day and number to occur. This period, 260 days, is the length of the sacred Mesoamerican astrological calendar that this program is based on.

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The 20 day-signs each have a name and a symbol. The names of these with a brief meaning are listed below.

Alligator (east) - protective and dominating.

Wind (north) - agile, clever and multifaceted.

House (west) - deep, thoughtful and conservative.

Lizard (south) - active, dynamic and sexual.

Serpent (east) - powerful and charismatic.

Death (north) - sacrificing and helpful.

Deer (west) - cooperative and nomadic.

Rabbit (south) - clever and playful.

Water (east) - emotional and imaginative.

Dog (north) - loyal and helpful.

Monkey (west) - clever and demonstrative.

Grass (south) - careful and useful.

Reed (east) - knowledgable and crusading.

Ocelot (north) - intelligent and secretive.

Eagle (west) - free and independent.

Vulture (south) - authoritative and wise.

Earthquake (east) - intellectual but practical.

Knife (north) - self-sufficient but romantic.

Rain (west) - helpful and healing.

Flower (south) - loving and artistic.

You may have noticed that each of the signs is connected to a particular direction. The signs of the east are initiating and forceful. Those of the north are intellectual and critical. Signs of the west are cooperative

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and compromising. Signs of the south are emotional and reactive. The day-sign a person was born under is the named day that occurred on their birthday. It delineates their most obvious personality characteristics and traits. A person is also born during one of twenty 13-day periods, periods that begin with a day-sign linked to the number 1. The 13-day period delineates their more subtle, possibly subconscious, personality qualities. It shows their deeper instincts and yearnings. The combination of day-sign and 13-day period yields a quite complete personality description, perhaps as good or even better than does the Western 12-sign zodiac. It should be said that these two signs represent only a partial reconstruction of what was once a more complex system. The rest, including signs ruling the year and the hour of birth, have been lost or completely recovered and made workable. Because the day-signs signify general meanings and themes as well as personality configurations, they were used by the Aztecs for divinations. Like the I-Ching, a random drawing of beans or stones would allow a reader to find one of the 260 sign/number combinations and thus an answer to a question. Even today, the 260-day astrological calendar is used by Native American daykeepers in remote parts of Guatemala and Mexico. The divination section of this program utilizes computer technology to randomly select the sign/number combinations that may yield insights into a question asked. Because the Maya and Aztecs did not have a developed writing system, and because most of their astrological knowledge was destroyed by the Spanish friars, little was known about this great product of their, and other Mesoamerican, cultures. The delineations used in this program were arrived at after several years of historical investigation, deep thought, and trial and error experimentation. Long lists of persons famous or known to the author, yet born under the same day-sign, were compared with each other. Eventually, this process led to some key concepts about each of the signs and the results, in the form of personality descriptions, are found in this program. The meanings for the signs when used in divinations were extrapolated from this information also. We hope you find Maya/Aztec astrology to be not only interesting and fun, but helpful and a source of insight into your life.

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The Maya and Aztecs believed that the year of birth could be read astrologically and that the astrological qualities of any given year were dependent on two factors. First is a cycle of 4 years. In this cycle each succeeding year is associated with one of the four directions in the order east, north, west, and south. The directions are similar to the elements (fire, air, earth, and water) in Western astrology. The Aztec delineations for the years are as follows.

East: creative/mental -- fertile/abundant

North: violent weather -- barren/dry/cold

West: wild/losses/illness -- cloudy/evil

South: good business/health -- variable

A second factor is a cycle of 52 years. In this longer period, 13 repetitions of the basic 4-year cycle are counted. As each year arrives, it is identified with a number and a direction. Four cycles of 13 years each make up the 52-year calendar round or Xiuhmolpilli. Not all ancient Mexican cultures applied the cycle of years the same way. There was a lack of consensus about which year was linked to which number. The Aztecs used Reed (east), Knife (north), House (west), and Rabbit (south). The Classic Maya used Caban (east), Ik (north), Manik (west), and Eb (south), which correlate with Earthquake, Wind, Deer, and Grass. During Postclassic times the pattern was changed. The Classic pattern is used by the Quiche Maya who have kept the astrological traditions alive in Guatamala. The author believes that the year correlation established by the Classic Maya and continued by the Quiche Maya works. Four and eight-year cycles have been found in nature by cycle researchers, a strong suggestion that there may be a real material basis to the cycling of the years. It is also interesting to note that the Olympics and United States presidential elections are held in the same year, years that

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are ruled by the east, according to the Quiche. Further, the Chinese cycle of 12 years correlates with this pattern if you look at it as three groupings of a 4-year cycle.


One component of Maya astrology was a 9-day cycle that ran alongside the cycle of the day-signs. These 9 days were said to be ruled by the Lords of the Night, one for each day. The names of the Maya gods are barely known, but the Aztecs have left a complete list. The Lords of the Night are not a calendar per se, but a kind of symbolic cycle. The Maya linked the Lords to the Long Count. We know that on August 11, -3113 the ninth Lord was ruler. Start ing from this date we run a 9-day cycle along with the day-signs which allows the program to find the ruling Lord of the Night for any date. The 260-days of the tzolkin do not mesh perfectly with the 9-day cycle and it takes 9 cycles of 260 (2,340 days or 6.4 years) before the same combination occurs again. Much less is known about how the Aztecs used the cycle. It appears that they ran the 9-day cycle against the 260 days and had the last two Lords ruling the last of the 260 days. In this manner the cycle would start again at the same place. In Maya/Aztec Astro-Report we have chosen to follow Maya usage. Some writers have suggested that the Lords of the Night are actually a division of the nightime hours. Like the planetary hours of Western astrology, the night was divided into 9ths with the 5th Lord's rule centered around midnight. In this line of reasoning the day was divided into 13 hours.


Of the planets visible to the ancient skywatchers of Mesoamerica, Venus was the most important. Due to its alternations from morning to evening star it was believed to be a symbol of certain profound dualities in nature and in man. Because the orbit of Venus lies between the Earth and the Sun, it never strays too far from the Sun and can only

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be seen close to the times of sunrise and sunset, depending on which part of its cycle it is in. From the perspective of an observer, it takes Venus 584 days on average to complete one cycle of morning and evening star. This figure meshes with the solar year of 365 days and the 260-day astrological calendar precisely every 104 years. The start of its cycle was its first appearance as a morning star, an event called by astronomers its heliacal rising. According to the Dresden Codex, an ancient Maya manuscript that is one of the most authoritative sources on Maya astronomy and astrology, the cycle of Venus began when its rays first appeared in the twilight of dawn. This event usually occurs several days after the Inferior Conjunction of Venus with the Sun. The Inferior Conjunction is so-named because Venus, the lesser body, passes in front of the Sun, the greater body. In this conjunction, Venus, which disappears in rays of the Sun for over a week during this time, comes closest to the Earth. The Maya allocated exactly 8 days for this phase of the Venus cycle. After its heliacal rising, the second phase of the Venus cycle, its phase as a morning star, commenced. The Maya allocated 236 days to this period. As Venus ends its time as a morning star, it once again disappears into the rays of the Sun. As it moves to conjoin the Sun again, it does so at its greatest distance from Earth. The conjunction in this part of its cycle is called the Superior Conjunction, because here Venus passes behind the Sun. The Maya allocated 90 days for this third phase of the cycle, a phase where Venus is not visible. After it re-emerges from behind the rays of the Sun, Venus begins its phase as an evening star, a phase for which the Maya allocated 250 days. These four phases of the Venus cycle, 8 days, 236 days, 90 days and 250 days add up to 584 days, the full cycle of Venus. The duration of these phases is a symbolic approximation of the astronomical facts, which actually vary somewhat from cycle to cycle. The Maya and Aztecs believed that the cycle of Venus depicted the experiences of the god Quetzalcoatl in his descent to Earth. The first rising of Venus as a morning star symbolized his arrival on Earth. During the morning star phase Quetzalcoatl was overcome by desire and lust and committed sins; he pushed against the boundaries of society. During the disappearance of Venus at Superior Conjunction, a warlike athletic duel with the Sun took place and during the evening star phase, Quetzalcoatl, now fully sober,

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walked the Earth until his sacrificial death during the Inferior Conjunction. He was then reborn as the new Venus and the cycle began again. This report calculates the phase that Venus was in at your birth according to the figures used and recorded by the ancient Maya. For each phase, the program offers a brief interpretation of the possible significance of Venus, symbol of both impulsive personal desire and collective social values, in your life.


In ancient times, the 260-day astrological calendar was subdivided into four ritual periods or "seasons." Centered on the days 4-Serpent, 4-Dog, 4-Eagle and 4-Flower were what were known as the "burner" periods, or times when the "burner" would flare up. These divisions were spaced 65 days apart (260 divided by 4 = 65). In this context the 260-day calendar was used in a collective manner (as in mundane astrology) and perhaps these were times when certain kinds of extremes were experienced by the community. Rituals involving fires were staged with the intention of preventing or healing communal crises. Interestingly, these dates often fall within a few days of newsworthy crises that occur in today's world. In the modern world where the individual comes first, experience has shown that dividing the 260-day cycle into fourths beginning from one's birthday reveals "critical" points that mark shifts or changes in personal matters. In many cases rather extreme events do occur precisely on one of the critical days, in others the effects occur a few days earlier. In some cases the effects are more subtle or psychological in nature. In understanding these critical dates it is helpful to view them from two perspectives, cycle and direction. From your birthday, every 260 days represents one completed cycle in life. If this cycle of 260 days is divided by 4, or quartered, four sets, or "seasons," of 65 days is the result. Using the symbolism of the Sun/Moon cycle as a model, the occurrence of the birth day-sign is like the New Moon, the beginning of the cycle and a time of personal centering and new, barely conscious, beginnings. 65 days later corresponds (symbolically) to the first quarter,

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a time of crisis that demands action and adjustment. The midpoint of the cycle, 130 days, corresponds to the Full Moon, a time of separation or perspective. 195 days from the start of the cycle compares with the third quarter, a time of crisis requiring conscious choice. The second perspective on the critical days is to recognize that each of the four dates in the cycle corresponds to one of the four directions. These are listed below.

East: Alligator, Serpent, Water, Reed, Earthquake. These are points that emphasize the need to be creative, to do something new and to move forward.

North: Wind, Death, Dog, Ocelot, Knife. These are points that may indicate crisis and the need to protect oneself from negative energy. The mind is under pressure during these times.

West: House, Deer, Monkey, Eagle, Rain. These are points of encounter with others, times of sharing and loss of ego. Relationships are important now.

South: Lizard, Rabbit, Grass, Vulture, Flower. These are points of strong feelings and emotional extremes. These may also be times of accomplishment and activity in the outside world.

Combining cycle symbolism with directional symbolism gives deeper insight into the patterns of the critical days. For example, if a sign of the north coincides with one of the quarters, a stressful time might be expected. If a sign of the west coincides with the opposition, important developments in relationships may be a prominent theme. A keyword has been given for each of the combinations that may

suggest the direction in which the energies and trends are heading around that time. Experience has also shown that the effects of the critical days often become apparent several days before the exact day computed in this report.



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