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Sunday, February 14, 2010
El Quetzal Issue 9: 1 Caban
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Trecena of 1 Caban
![]() ![]() ![]() Featured Videos | The Trecena of Introspection Caban, or “Earth”, rules the thirteenth trecena. This is the time to use your powers of intellect and perception, of acuity and insight, of harnessing all that rational, left-brain power for your personal growth or to guide others, if that is your calling. But as with all dualities, one side can’t function well without the other, so as always, seek balance even while you focus on one. You will need a significant amount of personal and mental freedom during the next thirteen days… so make room for you, for your soul, for your heart and mind. Clear your calendar, ask for more free time of your family. Organize your bedroom, office or reading nook, and dedicate those times of the day that are naturally yours, to you and only you—this may be the dawn, late morning, afternoon, evening, or even late at night. Only you know your natural inner rhythms. Honor your circadian time. The principal challenge of Caban is not to allow its acute sensitivities and powers of perception to bubble up into emotional upheavals, or to block it from living in the present moment. What is past belongs there; what is future is in your hands. But it is only through your decisions in the present time that your future is defined. This is why so many ancients and sages will tell you, live in the one moment, the ever-present, and think not of the past or future. For they are both already there, in that one eternal, flowing moment. Trust your intelligence. Trust your instincts. Just make sure to keep them balanced, free and pure. Join us on the daily journeys of each Trecena, online at Facebook and Twitter. Music of the Sun For the music lovers in our community, you may want to know about a new CD by the European group Balanza. Artists Martina Schröder and Wolfgang Krois have composed an absolutely beautiful series of twenty songs for the Tzolk’in, one for each sacred Sun Sign. The CD is called “Camino del Sol,” Spanish for “Path of the Sun”. We were sent a copy by the artists to preview and must say it is just extraordinary. How lovely to have a musical interpretation of the Sacred Tzolk’in. For ordering info, please visit the Mayan Majix marketplace or go directly to www.mayanmajix.com/cd.html. Update on the MCP Marketplace Late last year, we announced the upcoming Mayan Calendar Portal Marketplace. Since then, many of you have been writing in to inquire for details on how to become members; thank you so much for your interest, and please know we will be reaching out to everyone soon! For those who are new to the Portal or to this newsletter, the MCP Marketplace will open up a space on the Mayan Calendar Portal where the international Mayan Calendar community can connect and interact within a collaborative economic platform built upon the concepts embedded in the Sacred Mayan Calendar: sustainability, spirituality and natural abundance. Businesses, non profit organizations, and individual artists and professionals will be able to display their services and products, and people looking for a conscious, sustainable alternative to the current way we all do business will be able to search for them within their communities as well as globally. The launch is being planned for the first quarter of this year; we will have a launch date soon. In the meantime, for anyone interested in participating in this new socioeconomic community, please email us.
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Friday, February 12, 2010
Mayan Majix Announcement - Feb 12 2010
To view this announcement on line: click here
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Affiliate Training Call Follow-up and FAQ
Dear Friends,
On Saturday February 6, 2010 we held a Affiliate Training Call. During this call, we provided an overview of the Shift of the Ages Affiliate Program, answered questions and provided suggestions on how Affiliates can be best effective in sharing the Mayan message with others.
To listen to this recorded call, visit:
More information on the Affiliate Program can be found here:
Thank you for spreading the Authentic Mayan Message! The Affiliate Program enables you to make some income to compensate for the time you are spending helping to get the word out! Below are some frequently asked questions and details about how you can be most effective using the Affiliate Program tools and what to expect:
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
What is the Shift of the Ages Affiliate Program?
The Shift of the Ages Affiliate Program is a fast and easy way to help spread the message of the Mayans and add e-commerce to your web site. Each sale generated through your unique Shift of the Ages URL allows you to earn commissions:
• A 12% commission is earned when someone who visits the Shift of the Ages website through your unique link and becomes a Community or National Ambassador.
• An 8% commission is earned when someone who visits the Shift of the Ages website through your unique link and becomes a Planetary Ambassador.
• Two-level system, if you sign up someone who also becomes an Affiliate, you get 3% of the income that your sub-affiliate earns.
PLEASE NOTE: You MUST USE your UNIQUE Affiliate URL to lead people to the site, as it has cookies enabled to track your referral and attach their sales to your Affiliate ID. If they visit the site directly without first using your unique ID, you will not receive credit for their purchases. Always refer people to your unique Affiliate link in your emails or through the Shift of the Ages banner (embedded with your unique Affiliate Code) on your site to ensure you receive proper credit. If someone clears out the cache in their browser, the cookie will be deleted, and we will lose the ability to track your sales. This is why it is best to always refer them to your unique banner or link.
***SEE MORE about using your UNIQUE Affiliate URL below in this FAQ under 'Links and Tools'.
Does it cost me anything to become an Affiliate?
No. It is free to join our Affiliate Program; however, only Ambassadors can apply online to become Affiliates. If you can not afford to join as a $39 Community Ambassador, but would like to utilize the Affiliate Program tools to assist in sharing this critical message, email april@shiftoftheages.com.
Will you provide me with banners and graphics to use for my site?
<>Yes. We will provide you with all the needed banners, graphics, text links, and support. Once you are approved, we will provide you the banner and links to place on your site or e-newsletter. Make sure you use these links, and not the direct site links, so that you can receive proper credit for your referrals.
***SEE MORE about how to USE LINKS in 'Links and Tools' below in this FAQ.
Where should I use the links and graphics that are embedded with my unique URL?
Anywhere you want! Put a banner and embed videos on your own website(s)!
***SEE MORE about how to USE LINKS in 'Links and Tools' below in this FAQ.
A good start would be to incorporate your UNIQUE Affiliate URL into email, newsletters, websites and forums you already use. You can reach out from there... combing and sweeping the web for sites, forums, videos, blogs, etc. that come up under '2012 Prophecy', 'Mayans', 'UFOs' or anywhere people may already be showing an interest in similar topics. You may visit sites like YouTube and watch similar videos, feel free to post a comment pointing to the Shift of the Ages with your UNIQUE Affiliate URL. You can also watch Shift of the Ages videos on YouTube and add your own comments to the threads, as this boost the video's popularity and in doing so, encourages more visitors! If you find a website that is great and would like them to see what the Shift of the Ages site has to offer, contact them!
PLEASE make sure that you are STAYING TRUE to the messaging on Shift of the Ages. The Mayan Elders have chosen to work with us specifically and have placed a lot of trust in us to convey THEIR MESSAGE. We are the messengers for the Maya. We are not interpreters. Please use the wording exactly, as the messaging has been approved by the Mayan Elders. Be careful not to change what they are saying. Feel free to expound or elaborate on your own thoughts as you wish, but please let others know when it is your opinion, and that they can find out more on the topic as given by the Mayan Elders by visiting the official Shift of the Ages website. We are happy to provide you with all of the correct messaging, images and links that you could want. We are constantly c reating new materials for you to use, and are happy to receive your feedback!
How do I know what commissions I've earned?
You will have an automated back-office where you can track your activity level and earned commissions.
***SEE MORE about commissions under 'Reports' below in this FAQ.
To access the Affiliate Login, you can click on the link that says 'Affiliate Login' which is located at the bottom of every page of the Shift of the Ages website just to the right of 'Newsletter' and 'Terms and Policies'. If you lost your password, just enter the email you signed up with in the 'Lost Your Password?' box and the system will send you another one.
When and how do I get paid?
Commissions are paid monthly for amounts $50 or more. We will pay you or cause you to be paid on a monthly cycle should your commissions reach $50 or more in accordance with the Affiliate Terms and Conditions. The payment [processed ONLY via PayPal] will be for the applicable commission (less any taxes required to be withheld pursuant to applicable law). For any month in which your commissions do not exceed $50, we will withhold the commissions and pay it when your earned commissions reach $50 or more. All commissions will be paid electronically through PayPal.
What products count for commission?
All Ambassador levels, except Galactic, count for commission.
Can international sites participate?
Yes, international sites can participate and are welcome!
I have more than one URL; can I register each of them?
You may register more than one URL as long as you own the URL and they are different websites, not multiple URLs of the same one.
How should I design my web site?
You are free to design your site and promotion as you see fit, as long as it does not violate our Affiliate Agreement.
Can I use content from the Shift of the Ages site on my site?
You can conta ct us at info@shiftoftheages.com regarding specific content that you would like to use and how you’d like to use it. We will need to approve the use of the content and placement prior to its use.
Is my community (Shift Central) login the same as my Affiliate login?
No. The community (Shift Central) login is different than the Affiliate login. For Community, go to home page, click on ‘Community’. Here, you have access to the Shift Central portal which contains forums, profiles and blogs.
To access the Affiliate Login, you can click on the link that says 'Affiliate Login' which is located at the bottom of every page of the Shift of the Ages website just to the right of 'Newsl etter' and 'Terms and Policies'. If you lost your password, just enter the email you signed up with in the 'Lost Your Password?' box and the system will send you another one.
How do I create an auto-signature?
Auto-signatures are a great tool to use in all of your correspondence, as they provide links to your unique Affiliate URL and can generate new site visits. Here are some directions for major mail servers:
Outlook Express
Open Outlook
Go to the "Tools" Drop Down Menu (fifth menu item from the top/left of screen)
Last item on list = Options. Click it.
Select the "Mail Format" tab.
Second to last option is "Signatures…" Click it.
Select Email Signature Tab. Click "New".
Type SOTA for the Name, Click OK
Paste Affi liate link into Edit signature box.
Save signature preferences by clicking OK. Click OK again.
Log in to Yahoo mail
2nd link from right (under search) = Options. Click it.
Drop down menu appears, (top link) = Mail Options. Click it.
2nd link down on left = Signature. Click it.
Select the radio button, " Show a signature on all outgoing messages"
Paste Affiliate link into signature box.
Click "Save Changes" Located above the bolded heading that says Signature.
Log in to Hotmail
Top Right, under name, next to question mark = Options. Click it. More options. Click it.
Third Heading = Customize your mail, 4th link down = "Personal e-mail signature". Click it.
Place your curser inside signature box and click.
Paste Affiliate link in to signature.
Save signature preferences by clicking "save" button on bottom of screen.
Load Mail Program
Go to the "Mail" Drop Down Menu (top most left of screen)
Select Preferences
Window Opens.
Second to last icon says Signatures. Click it.
First Box/Column = "All Signatures" (selected by default)
Select the PLUS (+) sign (under middle box/column)
Second Box/Column = "Signature #1" (Default name given by apple)
It is possible that apple figured out and created a default signature for you.
Click your mouse in the Third Box/Column (beneath default signature if any)
Paste Affiliate link into signature box.
Click the box that says, "Place signature above quoted text"
Simply close out of signature preferences to save it by selecting the red button on the top left of window.
Log in to Gmail
3rd link from top right of window = Settings. Click it.
Middle of Screen = Signature. Click radio button next to white box.
Paste Affiliate link into signature box.
Click "Save Changes" Located at bottom of screen.
Log in to AOL
On the top of the screen go to the "Menu" drop down list, select "Settings"
Select the Category, "Communication & Organization" and then select, "Mail Signatures"
Click "create" and type "SOTA" as the name for your signature
Paste Affiliate link in the space below your signature name.
Click OK.
What else can I do with my Affiliate Tools?
***Links & Tools
Once you are logged in to your unique Affiliate account, click on 'Links & Tools'. This is where you will find your unique links which allow you to spread the Shift of the Ages message and generate referrals which will make you commissions!
The first white box holds the general messaging for you to cut and paste:
“Shift of the Ages Ambassadors help bring an ancient message to the modern world. For hundreds of years Mayan Elders protected and carried forth secretly a series of sacred visions and prophecies that were to be shared at a certain time. That time is now. Shift of the Ages Ambassadors and Affiliates spread the message of the upcoming film to their friends, families and colleagues.”
PLEASE NOTE: Cutting and pasting this text or the www.ShiftoftheAges.com URL just above it will NOT point peopl e to the website utilizing your UNIQUE AFFILIATE URL. You must use your unique link.
The second white box has your unique affiliate code, which looks like this:
http://www.1automationwiz.com/app/?af=XXXXXXX (the XXXXXXX represent your unique seven-digit ID).
You may wish to make this link read 'Shift of the Ages' but want it to link to your unique code so you get credit. In order to do so, you simply highlight the text 'Shift of the Ages' and select 'insert hyperlink'. This is usually a quicklink on your toolbar that looks like a globe with a chainlink on it, or you can also go to 'Insert' on you top toolbar and select 'insert hyperlink'. Once you do, the text 'Shift of the Ages' will bold and underline, and it will become a link that goes to the site directly, but by using your UNIQUE Affiliate URL. When you hover over the link, it will show the URL it points to. MAKE SURE this is your UNIQUE Affiliate URL and not the www.shiftoftheages.com URL.
Below this link is a quick summary of your statistics. Here you can see how many clicks and sales have been generated by using your UNIQUE Affiliate URL.
Next, is a white box with text and and a link inviting others to view the video on the Shift of the Ages Home Page:
Watch the new film clip from the MAYA film Shift of the Ages... 2012 - Apocalypse or New Sun ?
Utilizing this link enables you to invite others to watch the video, while tracking referrals to your own UNIQUE Affiliate URL.
Below this link is a quick summary of your statistics. Here you can see how many clicks and sales have been generated by visitors using THIS VIDEO LINK embedded with your UNIQUE AFFILIATE URL.
***Commissions Summary
Here, you can quickly view a quick summary all the fruits of your efforts! You can see your leads, clicks, sales and commissions paid and pending.
This gives you a more detailed view of what action has been referred by you and when. You can see what types of Ambassador accounts have been purchased, search by dates and monitor the details of you Affiliate account activity.
This profile is different from your Community website profile. This information is PRIVATE and is only for our back-office use. It tells us your vital credentials so that we can work with you and pay you. You can create your own password.
When is the film going to be released, and will we get to see it before the public?
We are not able to release the film in it's entirety before it premieres at the film festival. Once we develop our film festival schedule, we’ll have better timing to share on its release date. We will, however, continue to provide you with video clips free of charge! Once your use is approved, you can use the video clips for fund r aisers for the Shift of the Ages project, tuning events, or whatever work you are doing to help share the message.
A note from your Affiliate Program Coordinator!
Dear Affiliates,
I am so excited to help empower you with the tools you need to spread this powerful message!
The Shift of the Ages movement is for the people, and by the people. Your work is critical to sharing the Mayan prophecy to the world! The Shift of the Ages team is always growing and improving, and we value your feedback!
Please let us know your thoughts about how we can improve the Affiliate Program; you are welcome to email me directly at april@shiftoftheages.com.
It's About Time! Tell the World!
April Welsh
Affiliate Program Coordinator
Shift of the Ages
Shift of the Ages | P-Qubd LLC
30159 Rim Rock Place
Canyon Lake, CA
Common Passion Community Call Monday February 15th
We're overdue for a Common Passion Community Call, so let's connect this coming Monday, February 15th at 6 AM Pacific, 9 AM Eastern, 2 PM GMT. Details are below my signature.
Meanwhile, let's join in on Sunday, February 14th at noon Eastern (www.timezoneconverter.com) for the World Sound Healing Day. At noon Eastern Time, or whenever you can join in, thousands around the world will be toning the heart sound "Ah" for at least 5 minutes as a sonic Valentine for Mother Earth.
I am also pleased to announce the release of a new video message from Grandfather Cirilo, Wandering World, Grand Elder of the Living Mayans. It is quite inspiring!
Please click on the Shift of the Ages banner on the www.CommonPassion.org home page to view the new video.
I hope to hear your lovely voices and feel your amazing vibe on our Community Call this Monday.
All my best,
Joseph R Giove
Please note:
The Tele-Webcast is free but long distance charges may apply. However, at no charge you may access the program via the internet at web link below, either live or after the call.
DATE: Monday February 15th, 2010
TIME: 6 AM Pacific (San Francisco, CA), 9 Am Eastern, 2 PM GMT
DURATION: 60 minutes
NUMBER TO CALL: 724-444-7444
CALL ID: 36237 #, then 1#
Listen and chat from anywhere in the world or LISTEN TO THE RECORDING HERE AFTER THE CALL:
On the Web link above, if you get a "404 Error" just hit refresh or try again and it usually works.
Wandering Wolf Videos and Affiliate Training Call
Good day Shift of the Ages friends,
The last update was pretty full so we wanted to make sure you at least get to see the videos of Wandering Wolf:
“Seeding Mayan Knowledge and Wisdom– South America”
“Shift of the Ages First Round Intention Crystal”
This Saturday February 6th at 12:00 noon Eastern Time (5:00 PM GMT) we will share a description of the Shift of the Ages Affiliate program, answer any questions and give suggestions on ways Affiliates can help share the Maya’s message with others.
All are welcome to attend. The conference will be recorded and can be accessed at a later time here:
More information on the Affiliate Program can be found here:
CALL IN DETAILS (Conference call is free but long distance
charges may apply)
DATE: Saturday, February 6th 2010
TIME: 12 PM Noon Eastern, 9 AM Pacific (Los Angeles, California) 5 PM GMT
NUMBER TO CALL: 724-444-7444
CALL ID: 73819 #, then 1#
Listen and chat from anywhere in the world or listen here after
the call:
On the Web link above, if you get a "404 Error" just hit refresh
or try again and it usually works.
We hope you can make it!
The Shift of the Ages Team
PS. Please note: Reminders for this call will only go to Affiliates. Thank you.
Shift of the Ages | P-Qubd LLC
30159 Rim Rock Place
Canyon Lake, CA